Chapter 2: No Place Like Home

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I get off the plane, smiling up to the airport we landed at. I go to the military's reserved vehicle hangar on the airport's grounds. I go to a restroom nearby to change into my uniform to look presentable. I look into the mirror, taking in my reflection.

Black hair in a ponytail (even so, it still reaches my waist), doe brown eyes staring back to me, military suit fit for any special event. I sigh as I still wish I could have stayed with my crazy military family but orders are orders.

I give myself a second look over before going out to the parked vehicles in the hangar. I look until a familiar black motorcycle gains my attention. I walk over, secure my bag on the back, sit down, and start the engine.

"How I've missed you." I smile as the engine roars to life.

I take an hour's drive until I make it to the house I have not seen in almost five years. I go to the driveway before parking. I hop off before I grab my bag and then turn towards the house, making my way on the path to the front door where I knock.

"Coming!" I hear as I sit my bag on the ground beside me.

The door opens before I look up to a gasp. I smile.

"Hi, Momma." I say before being engulfed in a hug as she cries into my shoulder.

"Who's at the door, Judy?" I hear before seeing my father. "Aw, Judy... Let her come in! It's hot outside and being in that outfit, you may kill her." He says.

"Thanks Pa." I laugh as he pulls Mom away from me.

"Sam at school?" I ask as I pick up my bag and walk in.

"Yeah. If he gets another A, I'm taking him to get a car." Ron says, closing the door behind us.

"One more? You going to pull the trick with going through a new car lot then to the cheaper car lot?" I ask, gaining a smile. "Knew it." I laugh.

"You staying?" Judy asks.

"If it's alright with you." I say.

"Of course it is!" She says as she starts leading me to the stairs. "You know where it is? You need help?" She rambles.

"I'm good, Ma." I smile, adjusting the bag on my shoulder.

"Go get ready. I plan on leaving in two hours so you can get a shower or whatever and come with." Ron says.

"Gotcha." I smile before walking up the stairs.

After getting to my room, I smile and look around. Not much changed, Mom being too stubborn and not wanting to let go of me too easily.

My walls are splatter painted in purple, red, blue, and light green. The background being black. My ceiling has a black base, white dots, and swirls of colors to represent a galaxy. My bed is a dark mahogany with a wolf blanket covering the white mattress. My desk consisting of the same wood. A door on my right is my closet and on the left, my bathroom. Being the first born has perks in claiming the best bedroom aside from the parents' master bedroom.

I sit my bag beside my desk, pulling my laptop out and setting it up. I pull up my Skype account before looking through my contacts. Within seconds of clicking on Will's Skype, I see his face.

"Will!" I smile.

"Told ya I'd be waiting." He smiles.

"How's the kids?" I ask.

"They're kids, what do you expect?" He laughs.

I laugh with him, thinking of how the team refers to me as Mom and Will as Dad.

"How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm good. Mom almost suffocated me upon arrive at the front door but Dad came to my rescue." I smile.

"What's the temperature like?" He asks.

"A few degrees cooler than the desert but it may catch up soon." I laugh. "It is summer time ya know." I add.

"Yeah. Not much can be helped with the weather unfortunately." He smiles.

"Yeah but unlike you guys, I can wear a tank top and shorts since I'm on break." I say.

He mockingly gasps.

"No way..."

I laugh at him.

"How bout you? You doing ok?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says, the screen going blurred a little.


"Crystal?" He asks. "Hey... if you can hear me, don't worry. Everything's fi..." The screen cuts out.

I try connecting to him again and even message him, but I don't get a response and instead an error message about no connection available.

"Everything ok?"

I turn to the door to look at my father.

"The video feed with the base cut out. Qatar's satellites must be acting up or something." I say, as if to convince myself that everything is alright.

"I'm sure everything's alright. Get a shower so we can get going." He says before leaving.

I sigh, looking at the screen before closing it. I grab a black tank top that says 'Army Proud', blue jeans, bra, and underwear. I get in the shower, getting a much needed wash.

"No place like home." I smile, muscles relaxing as I try to stop worrying about my team.

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