Chapter 20: Robo-Warrior & Small Decepticon

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"This guy, Robo-Warrior... Everything about anything alien, he's supposed to know. One time we hacked this site and maybe, I saw some of your, uh... alien drawings or whatever." Leo says over coms.

I had hitched a ride with Skids, since Leo is with the other two in Bee and I would like to stay away from him.

"This is it." Leo says before the coms got disconnected.

"You have got to be kidding me..." I say as I look to the building we just parked beside.

"What's up, Kitkat?" Skids asks.

"This is a meat store." I say, who in their right mind would hide here of all places?" I ask. "Don't answer that, Skids." I add before he can say a word.

I get out when I see Sam, who's wearing a ball cap to hide his face, Mikayla and Leo get out.

"This the place?" I ask skeptically.

"Definitely." Leo says.

He then makes sure he's in front of us before speaking.

"Yep, deli. Good front." Sam mutters.

"Alright, wait here. I'll give you the go/no go, alright?" Leo says before heading inside.

I immediately turn to the others.

"Are we really going to trust this kid?" I ask, looking to my brother.

"Back in the dorms when we were getting my stuff moved in... he showed me what he and a few others in his group found. He has footage of 'them'." He says, careful of what he says aloud with people on the streets.

"Great..." I mutter. "I'll have to make sure what he has isn't anything already out there now when this is all over." I add, rubbing my hand on my face. "Witwicky's can never have vacations." I growl in annoyance as I lean against Mudflap.

"We'll pop the Decepticon's right out 'ta here!" Mudflap says, loud enough for me to hear.

I smirk.

"You got that right." I say, patting his hood.

I see Sam opening the door of the store before I follow him and Mikayla inside.

"It's him. It's him! That's the guy right there." Leo starts yelling, pointing to a very familiar person. "That's him."

"No." Simmons says.

"You gotta be kidding me." Sam and I both say as Sam takes the hoodie off of his ball cap.

"Alright, meat store's closed. Everybody out! Go, right now! That means you lady!" Simmons starts yelling out to everyone.

"Wait a minute, you know this guy?" Leo asks as Simmons is yelling for people to leave.

"We're old friends." Sam says.

That immediately has Simmons' attention and has him standing face to face with him.

"Whoa, friend, you are the case that shut down Sector 7. Got the tie-bash disbandment, no more security clearance, no retirement, no nothing. All 'cause of you, and your little criminal girlfriend. Look at her now, so mature." Simmons says, looking to Mikayla before looking to me. "And your hot military older sister."

"Who's engaged to a military Major." I add, glaring at him with crossed arms, making sure my holstered pistol is shown on my hip once the rest of the civilians are out of the store.

"Moron, where's the wifresh?" I hear an older woman yelling, looking out towards the store front where we stand.

"Don't catch me with the thing!" A guy with a large set of yellow front teeth yells.

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