Chapter 15: Shanghai, China

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Shanghai, China -- 22:14 Hours Today

"Black Hawks, clear to land." I hear from the cockpit beside me.

"Drop the drones." I say to my scout team over coms. "We land, keep lookout for any other possible threats."

"Roger." They com back to me, activating our scout drones and sending them to scan the streets.

Just when we're about land, Will gains our attention. 

"Alright, listen up. Time's cover story in this one is toxic spill. They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This is six contacts in eight months. We got to make sure this one does not get out to the public eyes so keep it tight." He says.

'There's a team of NEST soldiers with Sideswipe on the ground already.' I think to myself.

Epps and I share a look before looking back to Will. The moment we're clear to get off, the team of NEST soldiers led by Will are off. I get off, immediately turning on my flashlight attached to my gun like the others. I get into position to the left of Will with Epps to the right. Soon enough, Ironhide and more NEST soldiers in vehicles come up to our position.

"Alright, Ironhide. We got Echo's. Vamos." Will says, tapping Ironhide's hood.

Ironhide transforms into his bipedal form as Will continues talking.

"To the stacks. Two o'clock." Will says, pointing to our left to the building nearby.

"He's here. I smell him." Ironhide says.

I look over to Will and Epps.

"Let's get this show on the road, boys." I say, gaining nods from them.

"It's close. It's heading closer." I hear someone say within seconds of us getting to the building's exterior.

I hold my gun up, looking through the scope to try to see if I can spot any sign of our target.

"Oh, no." I hear Epps mutter behind me.

I look back to him to see him holding a thermal scanner just as Will comes over.

"How we doin'?" Will asks as I move back to see what Epps sees.

"Thermal ripple." Epps quietly says as we see the form of the Decepticon.

"Alright, everybody, be steady." Will says into the coms to everyone, NEST soldiers and Autobot alike. "We're right on top of it."

As soon as Will finishes, a large escalator starts to move and transform into the largest Cybertronian I've ever seen since we've learned of their existence. He, as Ironhide as said it was, immediately has us scrambling for cover as he slams his hands onto the ground where large sewer pipes are knocked down towards us. I get behind a wall before shooting at the Decepticon. Soon after, the Decepticon becomes stable on one large wheel, the size of a building or larger, much like the Arcees except he also has a second one just as large near his head.

"Eagle-niner!" Will yells.

"Panther-One. Requesting fire mission now!" Epps calls into coms to base.

Soon enough, the helicopters let loose and fire on the Decepticon. We continue to fire as pieces begin falling off the Decepticon from the sabot rounds.

"We've got a second Decepticon." I soon hear in my coms.

"Arcee twins! Target coming your way!" Will coms.

NEST soldiers soon come to us in vehicles.

"Bring in Sideswipe!" Will calls out before Sideswipe comes around the corner and pass us as he transforms to his bipedal form, having wheels to skate on.

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