Chapter 18: Trouble

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I had stayed with Ironhide outside of base as he patrols before energon signals heading for Sam's location are detected. I make sure to gear up with what extra supplies I had Ironhide store for me before grabbing my phone, calling Will as Optimus, Sideswipe, the Twins, and Bumblebee drive ahead of us.

"Kat, where are you?" I hear Will ask a bit rushed.

"I'm with the 'Bots." I say. "The Decepticons are after Sam." I add.

"We're getting ready to load up." He says before we disconnect the line.

I look to Ironhide's steering wheel as he begins to talk.

"It may be a coincidence that they're in the same area as your brother." Ironhide says, trying to keep things positive.

"And when has the Decepticons not tried to kill Sam when they know he's nearby? Or anyone associated with the Autobots?" I ask.

He mutters something along the lines of never as Bumblebee buzzes on the radio.

"We know you would agree with her." Ironhide says to Bumblebee.

"What's the plan?" I ask, knowing full well that they can't just burst through a packed campus so long as the Decepticons don't.

"If the Decepticons show themselves and have intentions of harming any civilians or your brother, we will show ourselves to protect them." I hear Optimus say.

"Galloway won't like that." I hear Sideswipe say, sarcasm heard in his voice since we all know we don't care what Galloway says.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." Optimus says.

"The energon signals have moved away from the campus." I hear Ratchet's voice over the coms. "They have moved to the outer parts of the city, near your positions. Coordinates being sent to you now." He adds.

"They may have Sam." I say, knowing the Decepticons won't take chances.

"We're in pursuit." Optimus says.

I'm quick to grab my gun, ensuring I have some ammo on hand before we arrive to the building where the energon signals are coming from. Optimus jumps down, breaking the roof of the building while Bumblebee goes through the wall, both in their bipedal forms. Ironhide drives through the hole Bumblebee created before I jump out of Ironhide once the door opens. He's quick to transform into his bipedal form before we join Optimus and Bumblebee in shooting the Decepticons.

I glance over the railing where I stand to see Sam running and then another spot where some guy is running with Mikayla. I then see a small Decepticon hopping towards Sam.

"Sam!" I yell, gaining his attention. "Get out of here!"

I'm quick to raise my gun and shoot a sabot round into the small Decepticon's face before making my way out of the building as it begins to collapse from the fighting. I mainly remember dodging falling walls and columns before reaching the road near where Mikayla and the guy are as I have no visuals on my brother.

"Bumblebee!" I call out to the closest Autobot once I see his color scheme.

I make my way to Mikayla and the guy before making sure I have their attentions.

"He'll get you out of here and somewhere safe." I say.

"Who are you?" The guy asks.

"Get in the car!" I order before taking off towards Ironhide.

"Do you know where Sam is?" I ask, hopping in when he opens the door.

"Going with Prime." He says, quickly closing the door and stepping on the gas.

Soon enough, Megatron's flying out of what used to be the wall of the building from a shot to the chest before transforming into an alien-looking tank. Optimus soon comes out as the Decepticon leaves before transforming and getting Sam.

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