Chapter 17: Sam

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The whole base is on high alert. The Allspark shard had been taken by the Decepticons and everyone's currently trying to find them or the shard. But other matters are becoming harder to do with Galloway breathing over all of our shoulders twenty-four-seven.

It takes me an hour just to manage to help Optimus, Bumblebee, and Ironhide slip off the base grounds. Of course, I went with so if Galloway has a problem with it, I'll just tell him I don't give a shit what he says.

'Let's face it... the only reason anyone listens is because we don't want to hear him later on...'

"Want to tell me why we're going to meet up with Sam?" I ask, looking to Ironhide's steering wheel as he drives.

"Prime needs to speak with him." Ironhide says. "Don't ask me on what." He adds.

"Outside help most likely. You guys can't do much on the inside because the suit monkey back at base." I say, growling under my breath. "Will's going to be covering for us while we're out." I add.

"While Bumblebee is retrieving Sam, perhaps we should talk about something else." Optimus says over Ironhide's coms.

I soon notice we're outside of a graveyard, not far from where Sam's going to college.

"And what should we talk about to get our minds off of our dire situation we're currently in?" I ask, unsure of how these past events are going to play out.

"How about you?" Ironhide suggests. "Have you and Will picked a date for the wedding?" He asks, suddenly amused by the face I'm making in shock.

"Of all the things we could talk about, you want to talk about me?" I ask, gaining a hum from my guardian. "With recent events, we've been too busy to pick a date." I sigh, leaning back in the seat.

"Perhaps when we put a stop to the Decepticon's current plans?" Optimus suggests.

I give a small smile.

"Even if we do figure out where they're hiding and stop them, who's to say they don't start something else?" I ask before looking to Ironhide's steering wheel sadly. "The fact that Galloway had asked what you'd do if you were asked to leave Earth... who knows what may happen?"

For a moment, all is silent as the three of us think on my words.

"For as long as we stand, we shall stand united to you." Optimus says.

"We won't leave you." Ironhide continues. "You have my word. I'm you're guardian for a reason." He adds.

I smile.

"Then you both better be there when I do get married." I chuckle.

"As you wish." Optimus says.

"In a sparkbeat." Ironhide adds.

I smile to my guardian before noticing lights approaching. I look to the distance as some beeping fills the coms.

"Bumblebee is here." Ironhide says as I get out.

I take notice of the sun rising above the horizon. By the time Sam gets over to Optimus, the sun rose enough for us to see the blue sky and Optimus in his bipedal form.

"You won't give me a day, huh? You won't give me one day in college." Sam says once he's beside Optimus.

"I'm sorry, Sam. But the last fragment of the All-Spark was stolen." Optimus says, looking down to my brother.

I had decided to stay by Ironhide (who's in his vehicular form) while Optimus talks to Sam.

"Like what? Like Decepticon-stolen?" Sam asks.

"We placed it under human protection at your government's request. But I'm here for your help, Sam. Because your leaders believed we brought vengeance upon your planet. Perhaps, they are right. That is why they must be reminded by another human of the trust we share." Optimus says.

"This isn't my war." Sam says.

"Not yet. But I fear it soon will be. Your world must not share the same fate as Cybertron. Whole generations lost." Optimus says.

"I know and I-I want to help you. I do. But I'm not some alien ambassador. You know, I'm a normal kid with normal problems. I am where I'm supposed to be. I'm sorry, I-I really am." Sam says.

"Sam, fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing." Optimus says.

"You're Optimus Prime. You don't need me." Sam says as he moves back to Bumblebee.

"We do... more than you know." Optimus sighs.

I soon make my way over to my brother, seeing talking to Optimus didn't help.

"Sam." I say, causing him to turn and look to me.

"I can't help. That's your job." He says. "I don't do that, you do the saving, not me." He says.

"After Mission City, you were so gity about being special, having an alien robot as your car, as your guardian. You were the reason we won that battle." I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. "If it wasn't for you pushing the Allspark into Megatron's chest when you did, we'd have bigger problems now without Optimus. You are no ordinary person whether or not you like it. There's a reason we of all people met them, why you met them." I say.

"Maybe the only reason for me was to help with Mission City." He says. "I can't help you now."

"Sam..." I start. "The least you can do is try something." I say, knowing how much the Autobots trust him above majority of our human leaders.

"I am trying something, a normal life." He says. "You can do this without me." He adds before getting into Bumblebee and driving back to his college.

I sigh, both in annoyance and defeat. I look up to Optimus who looks to the distance, absorbing the peaceful nature that may not be there tomorrow.

"I'm sorry. Perhaps if we..." I start.

"It's alright, Crystal." Optimus says.

I give him a sad smile. Of all the Autobots and those working alongside them, Optimus is the only one who calls me by my first name. Though with the situation we're in, and with his response, I feel as though I've failed him.

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