Chapter 21: Decepticons Turned Autobots?

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Smithsonian Air and Space Museum, Washington DC --- Present Time


"Smithsonian Air and Space Museum." Simmons says as soon as he's out of Bee's vehicular form while using binoculars to get a close up of the building. "Land of dreams in there. All I ever wanted to be was an astronaut." 

We all soon go to Bee's trunk to get our supplies for our museum break-in plan. As soon as he's with us, Simmons rips off his pants. I immediately turn my back to him as I try to erase the image of him in a thong.

"Hold those." I hear him say as he throws his now ripped pants to Sam.

"What is that?" Sam asks.

"What? I wear them when I'm in the funk. So does Jeamby, Cheater. It's a baseball thing." Simmons says.

"Yeah, well that's something NO one wants to see." I say, waiting until Sam taps my arm to let me know it's safe to look at Simmons again.

"Okay. Watches synchronize, shop-mind and empty bladder you get caught, demand an attorney and don't ever say my name." Simmons says as he zips up his jacket. "Here, take one of these pills. Slip it under your tongue, it's a high-concentrate polymer they put in Oreo cookies. Fools the polygraph, every time." He says, handing a container of pills to Sam.

"No need, I'm military." I say, handing the container back to Simmons once the others took their pill. "I'll let 'em drown me before I tell them anything." I say.

He hums.

"Tough woman. I like that." He says.

"Too bad I'm taken and you're not my type." I say. "Now stop flirting and get back to the task at hand." I say, arms crossed once again.

"Okay, now let's get this show on the road." Simmons says as he pulls out a taser, turning to the others while I lean against Skids back driver side door.

"Leo's goin' to pop." I say loud enough for Skids to hear before hearing him snicker.

"Whoa, no, listen. I can't do this. I'm not some alien bounty hunter, alright? 'Cause I'm not gonna do this." Leo immediately starts freaking.

"Told ya." I say with a smirk as Simmons starts walking towards the young male.

"Guards have guns, I don't want to die." Leo says.

"Kid, kid, kid, kid, kid, kid. You compromise this mission, you are dead to me. Now look into my eyes, and tighten up that spare tank." Simmons says, pressing himself against Leo so his back hits Mudflap's vehicular form.

Soon enough after hiding in one of the jets, it's time for us to come out of hiding as the museum is closed and the guards are gone. I look over towards the bathrooms before seeing Simmons dragging Leo's body on the ground.

"Oh my god..." I sigh, holding Simmons' bag. "He tased himself, didn't he?" I ask Simmons who let's go of Leo's arm.

"Yes he did." He says as he takes his bag.

"There's now five guards. Five guards. You get this stuff and get out of here." Simmons says to Sam once we get to him and Mikayla.

"Give me a second." Sam says, taking out the sliver of the Allspark that he had told me about. "I gotta get the tracker, alright." 

"Be good." Mikayla says, pointing to the small 'Con.

"I'm claustrophobic." He says.

We soon scan the building, running under the many planes.

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