Chapter 26: Changing Lives

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"Cover fire!" Will calls out.

"I got you! Go!" I say as I look through the scope of my sniper rifle.

"I got left!" Epps calls out.

"I go-the hell!" Will yells. "Where the hell he come from?!"

"What happened?" I ask as I shoot another enemy soldier.

"Someone just killed me!" Will says, setting the controller on his lap.

I glance over to him with a smirk before shooting another two AI soldiers as Epps clears the next room, finishing the round.

"You two cheated." Will says, looking between Epps and I.

"I ain't no cheater." Epps says, pointing at my fiance.

"I've got a younger brother." I say, putting his controller onto the table.

"Sam's got nothing to do with this." Will says, arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me onto his lap.

"Yeah it does." I say. "Someone had to be better than him in this part of life. I just so happen to be a hell of a marksman both virtually and in person." I smirk back to him as I lean against him.

"Is that so?" Will asks.

"Course it is." I say before Epps stands up. "You don't let him have too much fun."

Epps smiles 'innocently' as he looks to me, Will getting up once I manage to get out of his arms to get up.

"It'll just be us guys, got nothin' to worry about." He says as he puts an arm around Will's shoulders.

"You having Sam come?" I ask, remembering Epps and Will talking to Sam last time he was over.

"Yeah." Epps says as I hear a couple vehicles pulling into the driveway. "Time to go." He adds, getting up and heading out of the house.

"Have fun." I smile.

"Just a Bachelor's party." Will says. "You better have fun too." He says before giving a light kiss.

"Just a Bridal party." I smile before getting a look. "With Carly." I add as I playfully roll my eyes. "You're going with the whole team so I don't want to hear anything about it."

The two of us go to the porch, seeing Carly and Sam talking while Epps is talking to the guys. One of them saw us and start calling, gaining the others to look at Will and I.

"There they are!" The guys yell as they come over to us.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... get going." I say as I playfully push them back to Bumblebee, Jolt, and Ironhide. "Ready to go, Sideswipe, girls?" I ask, looking to the silver Transformer beside the Arcee Triplets.

"Been ready!" He calls out as Mikayla and I smile.

"Ready when you are." Chromia says.

"Just waiting on you." Elita adds while Arcee is the first to activate her holoform.

"Let me go get ready and I'll be out." I said, gaining an okay from her and looks from the males in our company.

"Problem?" I ask.

"Where you two going?" My little brother asks.

I smirk.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I ask.

"Where are you going?" Carly asks him as she stands beside me.

"Touche." Is all he says before walking away with my fiance and Epps.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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