Chapter 8: They're Here!

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Will holds onto me as the building continues to shake. As soon as it stops, we all look at each other.

"Gentlemen, they know the Cube is here." Keller says.

"Banachek. What's going on?" Banachek asks over a radio.

"Well, the NBE-One hangar has lost power-" The person on the other side says.

"What?" Banachek asks.

"-and the backup generator is just not gonna cut it." The person on the other side finishes.

"Do you have an arms room?" Will and I ask Banachek.

"Get everyone to the NBE-One chamber now!" Banachek orders agents as we run to the arms room.

"The lights are out!" A random agent yells.

"Move it! Move it! Let's go!" Will yells.

"They're popping our generators!" Banachek yells.

We get to the arms room before grabbing weapons.

"Forty millimeter sabot rounds on that table!" Simmons tells us.

"That's good. Get all the ammo you got. Everything you can carry. Bring it." Will says.

"You got to take me to my car." Sam says. "You have to take me to my car. He's gonna know what to do with the Cube."

"He's right." I say, looking to Will since I know Simmons won't listen to us. "He can help get that Cube away from the Decepticons." I add.

"Your car? It's confiscated." Simmons says, gaining our attention.

"Then unconfiscate it." Sam says.

"We do not know what will happen if we let it near this thing!" Simmons says.

"You don't know-" Sam starts.

"Maybe you know, but I don't know." Simmons says.

"You just wanna sit here and wait and see what happens?" Sam asks.

"I have people's lives at stake here, young man." Simmons says, getting too close to him.

"Take him to his car!" Will says.

"Wha-" Simmons starts before Will grabs ahold of him, slamming him against a vehicle.

I knock down the two closest agents by me, aiming my gun at the one aiming for Will. Will aims for Simmons, and the others on our team aim at other agents.

"Drop it." I order the one I'm aiming at.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Banachek starts.

"Drop your weapon, soldier." Simmons says. "There's an alien war going on and you're gonna shoot me?"

"You know, we didn't ask to be here." Lennox says.

"And we really don't want to be near you." I add.

"I'm ordering you under S-Seven jurisdiction." Simmons says.

"S-Seven don't exist." Epps says.

"Right." I agree.

"And we don't take orders from people that don't exist." Will says.

"I'm gonna count to five." Simmons threatens.

"Well, I'm gonna count to three. Mm?" Will asks, his breathing a bit hard from everything as he presses his gun into Simmons' chest.

"Simmons?" Keller starts.

"Yes, sir?" Simmons asks.

"I'd do what he says. Losing's really not an option for these guys." Keller says.

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