Chapter 25: The End of The Fallen

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I look over the ocean as Sam and I stand on the deck of a naval air carrier. The others stand farther away as Optimus soon makes his way towards us before looking to my brother.

"Thank you, Sam, for saving my life." Optimus says.

"You're welcome. Thank you for believing in me." Sam says, looking up to the Prime.

I smile to my brother, arm now over his shoulder as he smiles to me.

"You did good." I say.

"You too, Kat." He replies.

I look back over the ocean with the Autobot leader as my brother makes his way to the others.

"Our races united by a history long forgotten and a future we shall face together. I am Optimus Prime, and I send this message so that our pasts will always be remembered. For in those memories, we live on."

~~ Optimus Prime

Within twenty-four hours, life goes back to normal for us. Sam went back to college with a stable relationship with Mikayla, Mom and Dad continued their vacation, and Will and I were back at base in charge of the Autobots and humans within N.E.S.T. in Diego Garcia.

When break came around, Will and I stay in our on-base apartment where we decide to just lie together and enjoy each others' presence after the last few days. Soon though as we lie in silence, a thought crosses my mind.

"Hey, Babe..." I mutter as I move to look up to him while I lie on his chest, gaining his attention.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"What happened to Galloway?" I ask.

He soon smirks before pointing to the dresser on my side. I look at him before moving off of him so I can open the drawer before picking up a phone. I look to him as he takes it, putting something on. He has me lie on his chest again as he pushes play on the video.

~~ Video Start ~~

"We've had an engine malfunction. We gonna have to divert to SOCCENT." The pilot informs the passengers. "Flight master, let's lighten the load and prepare for bail-out."

Will starts looking around like he's in shock from his seat in the plane.

"Bailout, bailout, bailout, bailout?" Galloway asks, looking around in confusion in his business suit with his laptop and paperwork out.

Will soon stands up and walks to the center aisle so everyone can see him.

"Alright, team, grab your chutes!" Will orders.

"Bailout like bailout?" Galloway starts, looking confused and scared still.

"You familiar with the standard MC-4?" Will asks as he helps Galloway into a parachute.

"Of course not! I've never jumped out of a publicly good airplane before. Wait a minute, is this really happening?" Galloway asks.

"Yeah. Alright, here we go." Will says while Epps is smiling behind Galloway's back. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're behind this, aren't you?" Galloway accuses after looking around.

"What are you talking about? You heard the pilot. These guys don't mess around. This is standard procedure. I'm just following orders to the letter." Will says. "Isn't that what you said?" Will asks, tightening the straps and causing Galloway to gasp at how uncomfortable he's becoming.

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