Chapter 16: Galloway

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I stretch slightly once I'm off the plane. We then line up to salute our fallen brothers. Once we're ready to go inside, I walk beside Ironhide in his vehicle form.

"Autobot Twins, report to Hangar Three." I hear over the com-system just before I see the Twins driving pass in their ice-cream truck form that they share.

"Excuse me, excuse me." I hear one say.

"Looks like the Twins are getting their separate vehicular forms." I say.

"After the last mission, they need it." Ironhide says.

I pat Ironhide's hood once we're in the Autobot's Hangar, knowing I'll have to ensure the Twins are behaving in their new forms.

"I got the green!" I hear one say, driving around in his new form.

"That hurt, man." The other says. 

"It's supposed to hurt." The first says. "It's an ass kicking." He adds.

"You too good?" I ask.

"Kat!" They cheer, transforming into their bipedal modes before looking down to me.

I look over to the doors of the hangar where Will is walking alongside a man in a business suit with Epps behind them. By the looks of it, Will's escorting the man through the Autobot Hangar.

"You too behave." I quickly say to them, knowing that they can't be acting their usual selves once I recognize that man as Director Galloway.

My phone ringing gains my attention so I move out of the room to answer it.

"Now's not a good time, Sam." I say, glancing out the door leading into the hangar to see Galloway yelling.

"I need you to get Bee. The house just got attacked by our kitchen appliances." He says, causing me to freeze up.

"Uh-c-could you repeat that?" I ask.

"You heard me. I think a sliver of the cube got stuck in my shirt and it went through the floor into the kitchen, a fire started, fire department stopped it. I need you to get Bee."

"Why can't you send him by himself?" I ask. "He knows where the base is." I say.

"Will you just come and get him?" He asks.

"Hurry up, kiddo!" I hear Dad's voice in the background.

"Fine." I say before hanging up and leaving to go to Ironhide who's parked near the hangar doors. "What'd I miss?" I ask him.

I look to Ironhide who looks towards me with his side mirror. 

"He's got a problem with our latest mission." Ironhide says as he turns his side mirror slightly to get a better look at me. "What's going on?"

"Com Bee and tell him to come here. He knows how to get here. I'll make sure the patrol knows he's coming. In the mean time, I need to see what Galloway wants." I say.

"Good luck." He says before I make my way to Will and Galloway.

"Alright, so this is where we communicate with the JCS. And this area serves as the Autobots' Hangar." Will says once I get over to him as I notice Optimus backing up in his vehicular form.

"Secured line to JCS is up, Major." I hear one of the techies say once we've made it up to the platform where we do our meetings. "Secured line to the Pentagon now."

"Saw the Shanghai op. It was a rough day." I hear the general say.

"Yes, Sir." Will says as I stand beside him, just out of sight from the camera. "We have intel that I believe warns an immediate debrief. Now with your permission, I can't let you see him but I would like you to hear from the leader of the Autobots."

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