Chapter 4: Not Alone

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I lay in my room, worrying about my team. After forty-eight hours, I have yet to hear any word back from them or anyone else from the base. The day Sam got his Camaro, him and his friend Miles went to the lake party before Sam drove his all time crush, Mikayla, home. Last night, he ran out of the house saying his Camaro was being stolen. 

Now, bright and early, Dad and I are driving to the police station to get Sam.

"I can't believe him. Did anyone say why he had been arrested?" I ask.


I sigh in annoyance. We get out of Dad's car before getting to the front desk of the police station.

"We're here for a Samuel Witwicky." I say.

The receptionist nods before calling for a nearby cop. Dad and I follow the cop to find Sam sitting in a chair with another cop watching him. Soon enough, the interrogation for whatever reason begins.

"Look, I can't be any clearer than how crystal clear I am being. It just stood up!" Sam says.

"It just stood up." The deputy repeats. "Wow. It's really neat. Okay, Cheifie. Time to fill her up. And no drippy-drippy. What are you rolling? Whippets? Goofballs. A little wowie sauce with the boys?" He continues after handing Sam a small cup.

I stay in my spot by the door, leaning on the wall in one of my military uniforms watching Sam's face change from confusion to annoyance.

"No, I'm not on any drugs." Sam says.

"What's these? Found it in your pocket." The deputy sniffs. "Mo-jo. Is that what the kids are doing now? Little bit of Mo-jo?"

I snort, the situation getting more hilarious by the second.

"Those are my dog's pain pills." Sam says.

"You know, a chihuahua. A little..." Dad tries to help.

"What was that?" The deputy interrupts, looking at Sam.


"You eyeballing my piece, Fifty-Cent? You wanna go? Make something happen. Do it. 'Cause I promise you. I will bust you up." The deputy says.

Sam leans in to him.

"Are you on drugs?" Sam asks.

"Ok." I interrupt, gaining everyone's attention. "Sam, you're coming with me before you get your ass in more trouble. Deputy, I would advise you stand down before continuing to threaten a minor whose sibling is of higher ranking." I say, grabbing hold of Sam's arm and Mojo's pain pills before proceeding out the front door with Dad behind.

Once we are a mile away, I bust out laughing at Sam.

"What the hell happened?" I laugh. "I don't know about you, but your Camaro is in the driveway. Has been since I checked a few hours after you disappeared." I continue. "Last I checked, carjackers keep the stolen vehicle. Especially if it's a classic Camaro such as the one you got." I finish.

"What... that's not possible!" Sam tries backing his earlier claims.

"Yeah, well, you have fun." I say as Dad stops at the house.

"What are you doing in uniform anyway?" Sam asks.

"Gotta make a statement." I shrug, entering the garage with Sam behind me.

"You're leaving?" Sam asks.

"I have my own house." I say, turning to look at him. "A house with my own firing range. So if you want to keep my trigger happy fingers in a house with a teenager who I just helped get out of jail, be my guest." I say.

"Still haven't heard back from your boyfriend?" He asks.

I freeze, slowly turning to look at him.






"Common! You live together!"


"I'm going!"

I watch his retreating form. I let out a sigh, grabbing my phone from my pocket. I swipe the lock screen but see I still have yet to receive any kind of phone call. I put the phone away before getting into the truck and driving.

After driving for a while, I see a white two story house beside a red barn. I pull into the driveway before parking. I get out, grab the duffle bag from the back, and walk over to a shed beside the barn. I open the shed before setting the duffle bag down. I unload the contents of the bag before putting them in their designated places. I spend the next two or three hours firing at targets in the firing range Will and I set up as well as also thinking of possible reasons why no one's checking in with me, both good and bad. When I finish the ammo I had off, I head back to the shed to clean the guns up and put them back where they belong. Next thing I know, the sound of my truck's engine gets my attention.

I grab a pistol from a shelf as I lean back to look out the door. 

'No one could have gotten here without me knowing... unless they were already here or they came while I was busy firing most of my ammo.' 

I point my pistol in the direction of my truck, hoping whoever's out there will see me and leave before they can steal it. I take cautious steps, weirdly not seeing or hearing anyone. Once I get to my truck and see no one in the truck, I lower my gun. Suddenly the door of the truck opens on its own.


"My name is Ironhide." I hear. "I can explain on the way but we must leave now."

I blink before clearing my throat.

"Leave where?" I cautiously ask, feeling completely out of my mind.

"To your brother." The male voice says.

As much as I know this may be a bad idea, I have to make sure my brother is alright.

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