Chapter 5: Autobots

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After Ironhide drives back into town, he stops in an alleyway. I sit up a little more when I see a new yellow Chevrolet Camaro. Ironhide opens the door for me to get out. I look to see Sam and a girl get out of the yellow vehicle. Ironhide and Sam's vehicle then proceeds to transform into large robotic forms.


"Kat?" My brother starts, looking at the robot that used to be my vehicle.

"Don't look at me like I know exactly what's going on." I say, looking him in the eyes while my arms is crossed.

"Your truck..." He starts.

"Your car." I finish.

He stays quiet while a large blue Semi-Truck with red flames, a yellow Hummer that looks like a rescue vehicle, and a silver Pontiac Solstice drives into the alleyway before transforming.

"I'm assuming they're friendlies." I say, looking to Ironhide and receiving a nod.

The one that was a Semi walks towards us humans before kneeling down to look at us.

"Are you Samuel James Witwicky and Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky, descendants of Archibald Witwicky?" He asks us.

"They know your name." The girl says to Sam.

"Yeah." Sam and I both say.

"My name is Optimus Prime." He says. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." He says.

"But you can call us Autobots for short." The one that was a Hummer says.

"Autobots." Sam mutters, testing the word.

"What's crackin', little bitches." The one that was a Pontiac says, hoping onto an abandoned car like it's a couch.

I look to him, finding his behavior very... interesting for a large robotic alien.

"My first lieutenant. Designation Jazz." Optimus says, pointing at the silver Autobot.

"This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz says.

"What is that? How did he learn to talk like that?" Sam asks.

"We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web. My weapons specialist, Ironhide." Optimus says, motioning to my truck. "Your guardian." He adds, looking to me.

"You feeling lucky, punk?" Ironhide asks, aiming his cannon-like guns at Sam.

"Easy, Ironhide." Optimus says.

I chuckle at Ironhide, liking him even more.

"Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons." Ironhide says.

"Definitely perfect for Kat." I hear Sam say before I elbow his side.

"Our medical officer, Ratchet." Optimus says, pointing to the one that was a Hummer.

"Mmm. The boy's pheromone level suggests he wants to mate with the female." Ratchet says.

I snicker at the awkwardness between the two teenagers.

"You already know your guardian, Bumblebee." Optimus says, looking to Sam.

"Bumblebee, right?" Sam asks.

"Check out the rep, yep, second to none-" Bumblebee says, using the radio to speak.

"So you're my guardian, huh?" Sam asks.

Bumblebee makes some static noises.

"His vocal processors were damaged in battle." Ratchet says. "I'm still working on them." He adds as Bumblebee let's out a cough.

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