Chapter 24: Stand Against Time

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From our spot by the Tomb of the Primes, we can see the large military planes flying in the distance. I can see the Autobots dropping, parachutes activating at a certain height. I give a sad look when I take note of what looks like a motionless figure being dropped, Optimus Prime. I then see the smaller humans in which I work with as well, Will and Epps I'm sure are among the soldiers. I look to the others that's with me now with what my human teammates (along with a couple of the Autobots) refer to as my 'Boss or Leader Mode'.

"Time to go." I order before they get into Bumblebee's vehicular form while I stay with Skids.

Looking forward after a few miles, I can see a flare ahead before I hear Sam through the open coms.

"That's them, right there. See the flare?" Sam asks. 

"Right over there! See it?" Simmons practically yells.

Movement in the sky ahead of us gains my attention before I automatically prep my gun.

"Don't know 'bout you guys, but I don't like how close that bird is getting to us." I say just before missiles are shot at us.

"Ah, man!" I hear Skids complain as he and the others swerve to avoid being shot.

"That' Starscream right there!" Mudflap says through the coms.

We soon find ourselves in an abandoned construction site. 

"Oh God, please God, please!" I hear Leo start freaking out over the coms as more missiles are shot at us.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me..." I groan in annoyance as I let Skids take the lead in driving.

"Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out!" Mikayla yells at the college student.

"Shut this guy up, huh?" Simmons says.

"Please let me live, just let me live!" Leo yells.

"Shut up and let him drive!" Mikayla says.

"Just stop screaming..." Sam tries.

"Alright, that's it." I hear Simmons say before the sound of a taser fills the coms before Leo goes silent after yelling ow a few times. "Can't take that guy anymore."

"Did you just do what I think you did?" I ask.

"Of course I did!" Simmons says.

Starscream soon transforms in front of us before continuing his assault.

"Hide in the dust! Use the dust!" Simmons orders the 'Bots.

Soon enough, we lose Starscream over a large mound of sand before the three Autobots stop for us humans to all get out.

"We gotta split up. Bumblebee, you are the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, alright? I'm gonna get Optimus." Sam says.

"I'll help throw their fire with Huey and Dewey there." Simmons says as he points to the Twins. "You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid."

"Thank you." Sam says.

"I've got them." I say, holding up my gun. "I should have enough ammo to last til we make it to the others, if not until we're in their line of sight." I add, looking to my brother before we nod to each other.

Mikayla, Sam, and I all run in the direction the flare had come from. Within minutes of running, we make it to a large mound of sand with pillars of stone below us. On the other side where a town is in the distance, flares fly into the sky.

"There it is." I say, looking to the other two who's having more difficulty breathing from the running. "We got a couple of miles." I add.

I look at the surrounding area that we'd have to run through.

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