Chapter 23: Site Seeing

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"Undercover, yo, you gotta blend in with your surrounding." Mudflap says. "You know, you gotta be part of the landscape."

I shake my head at the two Autobots out in the open in their bipedal forms while they're 'trying' to hide themselves and sneak around like 'ninjas' as they call it.

Bee's soon pushing the two onto the ground as he rushes to actually hide.

"Awesome." Simmons says. "I think aliens built that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go, move it! Move it."

I give Simmons a look but ignore it as I continue to follow the other humans.

"Hey, guard us. Low-profile, don't make a scene, okay?" Sam orders the three larger Autobots who transformed back into their vehicular forms.

"Yeah, some of us got work to do! Dumb Autobots." Wheelie says as Sam closes the doors behind us.

"You do know you're calling yourself dumb since you're an Autobot now, right?" I point out, causing him to stop and frown at his realization.

I put a hand on his head to get his attention.

"Your size still makes you cuter though." I add, gaining him to smile and follow me around.

'Hopefully they get here soon.' I think to myself, going back to my team who's stuck with Galloway of all people.

It's been hours since we've gotten to the three pyramids, spending the night here. I look up to the night sky, looking at the stars in hopes that Will is looking at them too. Just before dawn, I hear rushing footsteps.

"Kat!" I hear my brother yell.

I turn to see him running towards me.

"What is it?" I ask, seeing Mikayla right behind him.

"Come on!" He yells before we go to Simmons and Leo who's sleeping on each other. "Simmons, Leo, wake up! Listen, Astronomy class, page 47, you remember the class?" Sam asks.

"No, no, I was only in college for two days, you remember that?" Leo asks.

"Yeah, well, get up. Up, up." Sam yells, running outside with us coming after him.

"What are you talking about?" Leo asks.

"Can you see those three stars? You see how the last one touches the horizon?" Sam asks as we make it outside to see the last three stars in the sky. 

"Yeah, that's Orion's belt and also called the Three Kings." I say, causing them to look at me in confusion. "What? Will and I like to star gaze back home together." I say, glaring at them for looking at me weird.

'I also had astronomy in high school as an extra class.' I think to myself.

"And the reason for that is the three Egyptian kings who built the pyramids in Giza built them to mirror those stars. So it's like an arrow staring straight in the face." Sam says.

"They all point due east, towards Jordan. The mountains of Petra." Simmons continues on.

"Looks like we've got our heading." I say, smiling at my brother. "Let's go resurrect us a Prime!"

Within hours, we've made it to one of the largest doorways I've ever seen. Considering who I work with, I've seen quite a few large doorways.

"It's gotta be... around here somewhere." Simmons says, having not looked up from his GPS.

"Look up." I say, causing them to look up and stop.

"You see the size of this?" Simmons asks. 

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