Chapter 7: Team & Megatron

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After half an hour, we're sitting in a helicopter. They took the cuffs off me before putting me onto the copter beside Mikaela and Sam. I lean back as I look at the two techies in front of us.

"So..." Sam starts.

"What did they get you for?" The female techie asks.

"Uh- I bought a car and my sister here got a truck." Sam starts pointing to me. "Turned out to be alien robots." He adds.

The male techie mouthed wow.

"Who knew?" Sam shrugs.

"I'm Kat, my brother Sam, and his friend Mikaela." I say.

"I'm Maggie and this is Glenn." The female techie says before pointing to her friend.

When we land, Sam, Mikaela, and I are led over to Simmons.

"Think we got off on the wrong foot." He starts before looking at me. "There's some people who you may want to go see first." He adds before another agent comes over to us.

"Follow me please." He says.

"Kat." Sam starts.

"They try anything, I'm not worried in adding another body to my killed list." I say before following the agent.

After a minute or two, my eyes widens.

"Oh... my god..." I mutter, picking up my pace as the guys look over to me.

I smile, hugging the closest one to me.

"Will." I mutter, leaning back to look him in the eyes.

"Kat." He smiles.

"I-I thought you guys were dead." I mutter, looking around at the guys. "The news kept going on and on about no survivors." I continue.

"We're still here." Epps smiles before frowning. "Figs didn't make it though." He adds.

"What happened to you guys?" I ask.

"Some giant robot thing attacked the base before a giant scorpion attacked us and then got picked up." Epps says.

"What about you?" Will asks. "What are you doing here?"

"Bought a truck when I got home and he turned out to be a large robotic alien from space." I shrug as they look at me with wide eyes.

I laugh at their faces. 

"I'll introduce you to him sometime. I think you guys would love him." I add.

I look around before seeing the Secretary of Defense.

"Team attention! Present arms!" Will yells, causing all of us soldiers to stand in line.

"At ease." Keller, the Secretary of Defense says. "Captain, Sergeant. Got your intel. Excellent work." He says. "Lieutenant." He greets me.

I nod to him before we begin following him.

"Thank you, sir." Will says. "What about the gunships?" He asks.

"They're being retrofitted with sabot rounds now." Keller says. "If they hit us again, we'll be ready for them. But, uh, it won't do us much good if we can't get world communications back up."

When I see Simmons, I'll be sure to glare at him. Will and the rest of my team give me a look.

"All right, here's the situation." Simmons starts, ignoring me. "You've all had direct contact with the NBEs." He says.

"NBEs?" Epps asks.

"Non-Biological Extraterrestrials." Simmons says. "Try and keep up with the acronyms."

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