Chapter 7

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Austin point of view

Oh!! Performing today was a blast ! I wish I could do it all the time.

I love being famous . But it has it's perks. I barley get to see my friends and I have no time with my family. My mom says that I'm being more selfish these days but nah I don't think so . I think I'm just thinking about me a little bit more. Like if there's something bad I think how can this affect me?

Wow that sounds bad. Haha but really I'm not selfish. I haven't hung out with dez in a while. Since we are at the beach.. We can do what we used to do as kids :) we would climb up the hill that would lead up to the lighthouse and then we would jump off into the ocean. It was a lot of fun. I feel like I haven't had that much fun with dez in the past few months. I feel as we are growing apart. And I don't want that to happen. I wish I my girlfriend Kira didn't have to be an obsessive little bitch. That's like all she does. I mean , I like how she's obbessive but she's annoying. I wonder what dez would be like if he was dating me... WOAH Austin why did you just think that? No. Your straight. And Dez... I actually don't know what he is. I should ask. I haven't seen him date a girl before, not even a a boy so I'm not sure.

When I walk over to dez he looks so beautiful just laying there . His black T-Shirt brings out the blue in his eyes. I just want to rip that shirt off him and - woah. Austin. Stop.

"Hey Dez" I say. He seems shocked but gives a small smile.


"Wanna jump off the lighthouse dock like we used to?" I say excited. He doesn't seem as excited but still gives that damn small smile. Why can't he just smile widely like he did before? Smile the smile. The Dez smile that I love .

"Okay" he finally agrees and I smile big.

"Come on then! Take off your shirt! And let's go!" He seems hesitant about taking off his shirt and suddenly shouts "NO!" And then looks down and smiles a bit. What is with this boy?

"I'll leave it on. If that's okay?" He asks shyly. Aw. Cute.

"Dez whatever is fine! As long as we have fun!" I beam and take his hand and practically drag him to the lighthouse dock.

"God this thing is fucking big" dez mumbles .

"Aw. Are you tired?" I coo into his ear.

He blushes. "No I just haven't done this in a while"

"Want me to carry you?" I whisper seductively into his ear. He blushes once again. Austin what are you doing ? My subconscious warns me but I ignore.

"No thanks" he whispers. God can he get any more adorable?

"Fine then" I pout and dez looks shocked .

"You actually wanted to carry this pecice of shit?" He points to himself. And I frown. How could he think that?

"Dez babe your beautiful honestly" I say lowly starting to wrap my hands around his back. He cringes. "Austin, not my back" he says

"Why? Are you alright?" I start to worry. What if he's hurt ? Oh crap. As if he can read my mind he says

"Austin I'm not hurt , just a little sore. I can make it" and he gives a little smile.

"alright ! We're here." I say. "On the count of three?"


"Okay one... Two .. Three!!

And we both jump off.

A/N- this is pretty long chapter 😄 how was it? I hope it was okay. Will Dez tell Austin about his dad? Maybe we'll see... Hehe

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