Chapter 11

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Dez Point Of view

In the blink of an eye we are already there. Oh I'm so nervous. I hope my mom at least put some house spray so it doesn't smell like smoke and alcohol .

"I guess we're here" I announce. Trish is smiling for some unknown reason. She just wants to be entertained . Austin seems um pleasant. Ally seems nervous , well she is shy after all.

"Alright guys , uh, follow me" I walk up to the door and and unlock it. Come on dez breathe in and out.

I don't smell smoke or alcohol as I walk in, which is suprising. "Mom! " I yell. "She's not home" my father yells back. Oh shit. He's home. "She gave me food to give you and your friends. did you get my vodka?" He yells. "Yeah" I yell back and my friends are looking at me like I'm crazy for buying that.

"Are you coming or what asshole?" My dad yells.

"Coming" i sigh. "I'll be back . Um you can sit over there" I point to the couch. My house is pretty ordinary. A living room, a dining room, a kitchen , and 4 rooms upstairs. Me, my mom and dad, a bathroom, and a room where my dad keeps all his drinks. I walk up the stairs.

"I thought I told you that I never wanted you to bring friends over" he says .

" I'm sorry father. Trish made me. The girl with the curly hair" I suddenly feel pain throughout my body.

"YOU NEVER BLAME ANYONE ELSE FOR YOUR MISFOURTINES ! They better leave by 11 pm or I will beat you in front of them and you will be so fucking embarrassed" he says.

"Okay I will get them out at 11" I say obviously afraid.

"Good" he smiles wickedly and walks down the stairs. God this is not how I wanted it to start. I didn't want it to start in the first place. I follow my dad down the stairs and my friends are all sitting there smiling at us. God. My dad is such a fake.

"Why hello there! It's great to meet my son's friends." He smiles. " what are your names"? He says. "I'm ally" the brunette says shyly.

"I'm trish" the curly haired girl says confidently

"I'm Austin" Austin says nicely

"Oh Austin ! I know you already don't i?" He says cooly

"Yeah you do sir" he smiles and my dad smiles back. " your a nice lad" my dad says. "I guess I should get dinner ready for you all?" I never seen my dad like this before.

"Sure" ally says. You never talk back to my dad. My dad just smiles and says "Dez why don't you come help me in the kitchen ?"

"Sure dad" I follow him off into the kitchen.

I have a feeling this won't end well.

A/N- how was it? 😵 hope you enjoyed it. Next chapter will be up soon :)

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