Chapter 12

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Austin Point Of view

It's great to be back at Dez's house. I remember As little kids we would come here and play in his room and his mom would make us snacks and his dad would just watch with a big smile on his face.

Now.. I'm not sure how his family is going. He hasn't told me anything besides they're fine. Or don't worry about it. Well, if they're fine I shouldn't push. My phone starts ringing . "Hello?" It's my mom. "Hey mom" . "You have to study! If you keep getting failing grades I will have to pull you from school or you will have to get a tutor!" She yells through the phone.

"Okay okay gosh mom. Can we talk about this when I get home? Right now I'm at Dez's house with trish and ally" I say . "Fine. But try to come soon okay,babe?" "Alight mom, love you" and I hang up.

"Guys it's time for dinner" dez says.

"Alright" we all say and walk into the dining room.

We sit down and start eating . "This is a nice house you got here err I don't know your name" trish says to Dez's father. "Oh why thank you! It's Charlie" (A/N- I'm not sure if that's his real name but whatever) dez rolls his eyes at that comment. "So what do you guys do?" Charlie asks. "Well I perform, I'm quite famous, ally writes my songs and works at Sonic Boom in the mall and Trish just err gets fired a lot" I reply to Charlie. He doesn't say anything but then let's out a obviously fake smile. "Well that's great! I hope you go far in life Austin, and all of you guys" he mentions to us and not Dez. "So Dez you actually wear something normal today?" Charlie says to Dez.

"Um yeah"

"I never thought I would see that" he laughs a bit.

"Did mom call?"


"Alright" . Wow they don't really act like father and son, my dad usually cracks jokes with me and then we go out and play some soccer. Dez's phone rings.

"Oh it's mom.." Dez begins to get up but Charlier grabs his wrist and sits him down.

"You do not get up and leave the table when you have company" he says sternly. Trish and Ally just look sort of frightend by his change of mood. Dez doesn't seem shocked and sits back down and his father smiles. "Alright guys it's getting late, maybe you all want to start heading home?" Charlier says to us. "No way! Do you see that storm? We can get into a serious accident" trish says

"Why don't we spend the night here?" Ally suggests.

Dez looks afraid . His father looks angry but then he smiles. "Sure! You guys can sleep in the guest rooms!" "Thanks" we all say.

"Oh don't worry about it " he smiles that creepy smile. "Let's all say good night and you guys can go downstairs okay?" Charlie says.

"Night Dez" I say and give him a bro hug.

"Goodnight" ally and trish say and yawn.

"Goodnight" dez says softly . I wonder what's wrong.

We all head downstairs and pick our rooms and fall Into a deep sleep.

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