Chapter 7- Feel Hell

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Twilight's POV~

Lunch break has come. While eating, I told the two that we will prank the Cool Girls. I told Fluttershy not to tell Pinkie or else.

"So? You girls in?" I ask them. "I am most certainly do!" Rarity clapped. Fluttershy only nod.

Feel hell in here Cool Girls...

Everyone suddenly had 1 hour vacant so all the stupidents are in the corridor, gym, cafeteria, fields, garden and some stayed in their rooms.

"So... Where will we find this, Idiots?" Rarity ask.

"Somewhere in here." I said. I look at Fluttershy, she smirked.

"I know where they are, they are in the fields." She said. "Now let's go!"

Me and Rarity followed her to the fields. When we reach there, we made sure they won't spot us. They are just relaxing.

But you won't feel that anymore.

"Hand me the paint." I whisper. Rarity gave me the red paint.

I went over behind the three they are resting in. I put the Paint in can in the nearest branch. That I can reach.

It already had string tied around the can. I held the end of the string and went back to Rarity and Fluttershy who is now smirking.

We are a bit far from the Cool Girls.

"Now watch this." I said and pulled the string.

The paint fell and landed on Rainbow Dash's head.

"What the heck?!" She yell.

The three of us are trying to stop our laughs. It may be hard to stop it but we must.

The three of us left and went to the garden Fluttershy loves to stay.

We watch the Video Rarity took earlier.

"What the heck?!" Rainbow yell as she stood up. She is covered in red paint. Also her expression is priceless.

"I thought you use water for showering and not... Red paint?" Pinkie teased. "Hell no!"

The video ended. Good thing Rarity took a good shot. I'll post this later. She'll trend in just a snap.

I can post it since we were not catch by the video. No proof haha.

"Hand it to me." I said. Rarity gave me her phone.

I used my Fake Account to post the video online. So she won't know it was me.

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