Chapter 48- My Start

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Twilight's POV~

"Hey btch! It's nearly 7AM! WHEN DO YOU PLAN TO GET UP?!" Rarity shouted after she kicked my door open. "Just what the hell! It's still early! And besides it's Saturday!"

"In case if you forgot, we are heading to the beach today!" Rarity shouted from outside. I groaned, I have no choice, I got up. "Yeah whatever. I'll just pack my stuff." It went silent after I said that. Maybe she left.

I went back laying on the bed and looked at the ceiling. I'm so tired, I didn't get enough sleep because of yesterday. Maybe it will be awkward if I see Rainbow later.

They said they talked about going to the beach yesterday, while I was not around.

<Last Night>

I stood outside the house, staring at where I last saw Rainbow Dash. She left me shock and speechless.

"Twilight! Goodness, where have you been?!" Rarity asked that made me go back to reality, "Hello? Am I talking to anyone?"


"What ever happen to you Twilight? You look like you've seen a ghost or something." Fluttershy spoked out of nowhere. "I'm fine... I guess."

"You do look fine, a bit." Rarity said, "Anyways, you should go and rest. We will head to the beach tomorrow morning! I'm so excited, we will be with the three!"


"Three? You mean Aj, Pinkie and Rainbow?" I asked. "Uh yes. Who else would it be?"

"You're not serious are you?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She asked. I sigh, "Guess not.."

<Recent Time>

"Ugh... I really don't have a choice." I mumbled before I started getting ready.

I took a little shower, and also packed my stuff. After I was ready, I went downstairs to see three bags on the floor. It's clear who owns this bags.

"We're not staying for one week, am I right?" I asked while looking at the bags. "Ugh! Of course not! Just for one night." Rarity answered.

"One night?" I said and looked over Fluttershy, "Say, Fluttershy. Does this baggages look only for one night to you?" I asked her. She giggled and smiled before shaking her head.

"Why do you need too much stuff anyways?" Fluttershy asked this time. "For some reason, you guys will need it anyway."


"Pinkie!" Fluttershy exclaimed and greeted Pinkie as well. "Hey ya! Everyone ready to go?" AJ asked. "U-um... Hold on a sec! I'll just check my stuff, maybe I forgot something."

"Seriously Rarity, you're bringing tree bags with you?" Rainbow asked. I quickly moved away from her and went beside Fluttershy and Pinkie. Who were busy cuddling... Ugh.

"Alright I'm ready! Let's go!" Rarity yelled. All of us brought our bags at the back of the van, although some of us still carried some of our stuff. Rarity's bags took half of the space.

"Are we settled?"

"Yes we are ma'am!" Pinkie answered, "I'm so excited! I can't wait to swim in the sea and play with the sand– oh! Maybe I could also go for some hunting!"

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