Chapter 41- Visit

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Twilight's POV~

I felt something touched my skin, it made me woke up a bit. I could hear two people talking but I can't hear them well. I tried to open my eyes, but it was blurry. Now my hearings came clear. I smelled medicine and heard some beeping sounds.

Where am I?

"You saw who did it right?"

"I don't know if it was her."

"Oh goodness! How is she anyways?"

"Fine, I guess."

I quickly open my eyes and almost jump out of my place. I looked at those two person who were at my room. "OMG! Twilight!"

"W-what? W-wait... What happen?" I asked. They sigh. "Before I tell you, you need to calm down."

How am I supposed to calm down?!

"W-where the hell am I? How the heck did I get here? W-who– how?" I panicked. Fluttershy sighed and held her forehead.

"Now Twilight–"

"Just tell me how I got here!"

"Easy OK?! How am I supposed to tell you if you kept cutting me off?" Fluttershy asked me, irritated. I shut my mouth.

"After you lose conscious, of course Rainbow Dash carried you here. None of us is strong enough like her to carry you anyway so I was left with no choice. I know you don't want her to touch you, what? You wanna die or loose something?" She sarcastically asked. I shook my head.

I looked over to the person next to Fluttershy, giving her a confuse look. "Don't tell me I'm going to explain again." Fluttershy said.

"Oh well. I guess it's up to me." She said, "Ehem. As you can see, Twilight. After what happen to you at the gym, Fluttershy here called me–"

"I thought we can't connect or communicate with you?!" I asked.

"Oh so stubborn. Let me finish." Rarity exclaimed, "As I was saying, that time Fluttershy was lucky I had a signal. I was with my family and took Clarity to a far place. An island. Where she had no escape at all. I came with them to make sure she stays and no longer harm me, or anyone."

"But of course. Knowing Clarity won't give up easily, we double secure the island. No signal, no other people except her guards, no boats or anything she can use to escape." Rarity sighed, "I'm just glad you're OK. That was a real nightmare."

I kept quiet and only looked at them. After an hour the nurse came and said I need to move to the hospital.

Like why the hell I need to?

"Principle Celestia said it's better to take you there. There might be some problems I can't fix and might go worse." The Nurse kept explaining but I can't understand her. It's not like I was dumb or anything, my mind was spacing off.

After a couple of hours they took me to a hospital, since it was Wednesday and good thing teachers had a meeting, I didn't need to worry about any classes.

I'm here at my room in the hospital with Rarity and Fluttershy accompanying me. We just stayed quiet just what I wished for.

I wonder what happen after I loose conscious.

Did she said anything to Fluttershy? Did anything happen after that? Or something? Oh, why am I even thinking about it. Its don't I should be glad.

I was so deep to my thoughts until a knocked on the door disturb me. Who could it be?

"Rarity, go get the door please."  I said to Rarity who was busy typing in her phone.

"Fluttershy dear you do it." She said back. Fluttershy stopped writing in her notebook and looked at Rarity, "No I won't. You go."

"You're closer to the door than I."

"Tsk." Fluttershy shook her head and faced her notebook, "Twilight you go open the door." She ordered.


I looked at her with an eyebrow raised, "You serious Fluttershy?" I asked before she looked at me, "I hope you're OK thought." I added.

"Oh right... Sorry." Fluttershy apologised before standing up and open the door. I sigh and lay my head back, I sort of felt a little pain.

After a couple of minutes Fluttershy came, "You have a visitor Twilight."

After saying those words three girls came in, "HI TWILIGHT! How are you?"

"Howdy Twilight– Rarity?" Apple Jack mumbled. Rarity stopped typing in her phone and faced the person who called her, I saw how she slightly blush when she saw Apple Jack.

"O-oh hey Apple Jack, darling. H-how are you?"

"I'm fine. How 'bout you? You were gone for days.".

"Ah... I uh..." Rarity stuttered. She was having a hard time thinking what to say next.

"Anyways. Here Twilight!" Pinkie handed me two regular sized boxes, "I brought you some cupcakes! Ra– Hmmm! Hmmm!" Her words were cut when Rainbow covered her mouth.

"Hehe, sorry. Pinkie is kinda loud and noisy everytime."

"I-its fine. I'm sort of used to it." I said, I even saw how Pinkie smiled. She faced Rainbow Dash and sticked her tongue out and gave her a funny face. While Rainbow just rolled her eyes.

I put the boxes beside me where there is a table. Rarity suddenly stood up and pulled Apple Jack out of the room without saying a single word.

"Do they had a problem?" Pinkie asked. But both me and Fluttershy just shrugged.

Pinkie and Fluttershy sat on a sofa next to a window. While Rainbow sat on the chair beside me. Both Pinkie and Fluttershy was busy talking and laughing.

They really looked cute. After few years of being in the darkness, hatred and sorrow, they finally faced their problem and stepped out of the dark together.

I'm glad their relationship they held for years didn't break completely. Instead they fixed and made it even strong.

I wish I could do that to a certain person...

Few minutes passed both Rarity and Apple Jack came with a smile in their face. I completely notice, the bitch, flirty and heart destroyer was gone. Rarity came back to what she was before.

I can see the happiness in her eyes being with Apple Jack. Although, her bitch attitude was still there. But after all, they are both the same with Fluttershy and Pinkie.

They Seperated in a very worse way but in the end, they still ended in each others hands.

I wish I could end up with the same person...

I slightly looked at Rainbow Dash, she was sleeping and snoring. Her appearance didn't changed, the way she dressed, she looked still the same. But her attitude did.

And so I did...

I sigh. After all this problems and chaos ended, I swear they won't see the old me anymore. I'll completely change and never be bothered by my past.

I gripped my blanket. I remember, how she used to embarrassed me before, how she treated me, how she talk and yeld at me. And how she act and hurt me the most, was the painful thing I could ever think of.

I swear... I won't let you destroy what I had now.

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A/N: Still on HAITUS. Trying my best to update regularly. See ya.

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