Chapter 46- Gone

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Rainbow's POV~

"You guys ready to knock them down?!" Pinkie asked, so energetic. I just face-palm because of her reaction.

Pinkie kept doing random stuff until Applejack came, "Ya girls heard the news?" She asked and took a deep breath. "What news?" I asked her back.

"I didn't heard any, so spill the beans!" Pinkie said. "Well there's a good and bad news."

"Good news go first." I said, she took another deep breath. "The good news is that Sour Sweet and her gals were caught making-out in the abandoned room."

"Ewww!" Pinkie quickly exclaimed, "That's gross! Yuck!"

"Who caught them?" I asked then her look suddenly changed. "Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity."

"WHAT?!" Pinkie and I shout in unison. Applejack just nod, "But at least, Sour Sweet and her gang got kicked out. But..."

"But what?"

"Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity are being bullied by random students. Also, Sugar Coat and Sunny Flare remain here." She continued. I suddenly felt anger started building inside me.

I was about to walk away and look for Twilight but Applejack stopped me, "Hold your tails there sugercube."

"What?! I need to find Twilight!" I shout at her but she remain calm and kept her poker face. "She and the two are fine, I already defend them earlier."


"But I said something wrong... I guess." Then she scratched the back of her head, "I said we are the new bullies and no one should touch them." Applejack said and just held her forehead.

"Then?" Pinkie asked, "I think it's fine you said that, at least they won't hurt Fluttershy, Twilight and Rarity."

"But we ain't sure if they won't." Applejack added, I pat her by her back and smiled, "We will make sure."

And from that day, we became the boss of the school. And also became the bullies of Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity.

At first I thought it could be at least fine that we could pretend as bullies of Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity to keep other students away. But that just what I thought...

We were carried away.

To the point we really hurt them physically and emotionally. We enjoyed being what we were not supposed to be.

"Psh. You know I'm getting tired of seeing your faces." I said to the three and I saw tears streaming down from their eyes, "Oh c'mon! Enough with that freaking drama! Aren't you tired of crying?"

I heard Rarity mumbled something, I was about to ask her but Applejack already pulled her hair, "I heard that, say it again. Loudly."

Rarity shook her head, looking so scared and hurt. "Say it you slut!" Applejack shouted. I saw how Rarity looked at Applejack in disbelief, looking so hurt by the words were said to her.

"WE ARE TIRED! WE ARE TIRED OF SEEING YOUR FACES EVERYDAY YOU FCKING JERKS!" Fluttershy shouted then she quickly covered her mouth.

Pinkie went closer to her, and held Fluttershy's chin, "You think we're not sick of seeing you too? If only I could torture you everyday, I might be satisfied."

"Don't you think what you're doing is not torture for us already?!" Then this time, Twilight was the one who spoke.

I'm having enough of this, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then when I open my eyes, I slapped her.

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