Chapter 4- Help In Need

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•Next Day•
The next day the popular girls were heading to the canteen to take their breakfast since they went in so early.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Fluttershy ask.

"What ever do you mean?" Rarity ask her.

"You know, yesterday. Non of us won?" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah, no one won. But that doesn't mean we don't get to be the boss around. Still, Principal Celestia didn't said anything." Twilight said. "Fair point." Rarity said.

After they ate, other students arrived. The class had start, rarity had Science while Twilight had English, but fluttershy had free time in her first period every Wednesday, so she went to the garden of the school which was her favorite place in the school.

She went to the gym and outside where the garden was. She sat down and brought out a book as a bunny approach her.

"Why hello there." Fluttershy said, fluttershy began to write in the book which it was her song book.

Few minutes later fluttershy had 50mins left, she went in and to the girls comfort room.

She put her stuff next to the sink and look at her self at the mirror, she fix her black and pink hair and her make up(so not fluttershy).

While she was fixing herself up she heard someone sobbing.

"Hello? Is someone here?" Fluttershy ask with her original smooth and quiet voice, she bend down looking at each toilet to see if anyone was there, as she pass two toilet she saw someone, practicality the shoes was familiar to her.

Wait a minute! Pinkie Pie?

She knocked and wait for a response.

When she knocked the person inside didn't response, "Um, Pinkie? Is that you?" She ask

"F-fluttershy?" The voice said, pretty clear it was pinkie but not as her voice suppose to be happy, it was scare

"Pinkie? What are you doing in there?" Fluttershy ask.

"N-nothing, leave me alone!" She said.

"Pinkie, you know that I'm not leaving you here not as long as you tell me what is going on with you." For the first time, pinkie never heard fluttershy be so kind to her, after what she did to her back at Crystal Prep.

She open the door looking down "So, what happen to you?" She ask her.

"Its... Its just this girl who teased me, I believe she is a member of The Shimmering Moon Stars. And I think it was Trixie Lullamoon." Pinkie explain.

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