Chapter 38- How Could It End

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A/N: I forgot to tell you all, that again I changed something. As you see, from everyone calling Twilight as Ma'am she will be called as Miss from now and Fluttershy will be called Mistress.

So that was all, enjoy!

Rainbow's POV~

"Here Rainbow, eat up." Pinkie said and handed me a toasted fish, but I refused. "Now is not the time to be so stubborn Rainbow, you wanna go and rescue Sky, then eat up!"

I don't know when Pinkie get to be so bossy, maybe being with Fluttershy turned her into one. I had no choice but I took the food, but I didn't eat it.

"Ah catched more for later night." Apple Jack said who came in, holding a lot of fish in her hand. She went out near a river and catch some.

"Oh, that's a lot." Fluttershy said and smiled before carrying few fishes, "We might survive with this for few days. And will be great since Twilight's wound is starting to heal."

"Well that is nice." Apple Jack said and put the fishes on a leaf that they took form a tree.

"Now now Twilight, don't move to much." I hear Rarity said. "Y-yeah I know. I'm just not comfortable with my position."

"Oh, you should have said. Here, let me help you." Rarity kneeled down and help Twilight change her position until they found the right one. "Thanks."

"No problem. Now I'll be off to help Apple Jack, if you need anything, just call any of us." Rarity said and Twilight nod. Rarity then stood up and went out.

Now were alone...

I saw how Twilight ate her food silently, while me? I just held my food while looking at nowhere.

"You gonna eat that or what?" I heard Twilight ask. "No..." I plainly said. "You should. Apple jack put an effort to catch that, so you should eat it."

"You're not the boss of me." I said without energy. "I didn't say I was."

I only sigh at her reply. There is really no sense talking to her if she keeps answering like that. After that nonsense talking, our surroundings went quite. But I heard footsteps coming this way. Probably Pinkie and the others.

But why they sound like... Rushing?

"Twilight! Rainbow Dash!" I flinched when Rarity suddenly shout while running inside. "Why in a rush?" Twilight asked.

"We... F-found–"

"Dash! We found Sky!"

When I heard Pinkie yell, calling out for me saying they found my sister I stopped, right at the moment they got in and I saw them helping Sky.

"S-sky..." I mumbled, I quickly stood up and tried to help them carry Sky inside. I helped them lay her down, "S-sky... Sky."

"Move Rainbow." Fluttershy said but I didn't listen. "Sky please wake up."

"H-hey Dashie, stop it." Pinkie said and tried to pull me away. "Move away Rainbow." I heard Twilight said and tried to pull me away too.

"No!" I said, I tried to slapped her hands off me but I accidentally hit her wounded stomach, which was my most reckless move.

"Ugh... Ah– A-aw... Shit."

"T-twilight. I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to–"

"Would you please just stop to be so hard headed you dumbass?! I'm trying to help you and your sister but look what you did to me!" She yelled, I only looked at her shocked. "Being stupid at things won't help. I'm doing this for the sake of your sister! And for you!"

I remain silent, I didn't moved. I looked down feeling so guilty. "If you wanna do things your way, then fine! Go and do stupid things that can kill you both! We're trying to help here! And when something bad happens, you'll blame it on us?! Have you ever asked yourself, what the hell you are doing?!"

"Twilight stop." I heard Rarity whisper to her, "Take it easy dear. Your wound might open up more. Just stay down. And stay calm, stay calm, OK?"

Rarity helped Twilight sit down again. After what she said, It made me realized, everything I do is wrong. If she didn't stop me from finding Sky, probably I'm dead by now.

"Sky's leg had wound. Do you still have any bandages there, Pinkie?" Fluttershy asked. "Hmm. Let me see– Oh! Luckily I still have three!"

"Anythin' else?" Apple Jack asked. "I have medical tape which is still a lot. I have tweezers, cottons– Why didn't I saw this before!"

"That doesn't matter. It's fine if it wasn't used with Twilight, I figured out leaves can heal her wound." Fluttershy explained. "Then what about Sky?"

"Much worst. I just don't need those leaves we got. We really need medical kit right now." She answer, "Hand me the tweezers. Sky have splinter."

I didn't bother staying there any longer, watching them treating Sky, saying how bad her wounds are. I just can't take it.

I went out of the cave and went somewhere not far. I know Clarity is around, so it might not be the best idea to go further.

I sat near a river. I looked at my reflection in the water, I look horrible than I thought. I stayed here until it was sunset, minding nothing, I just wanted to be alone.

"Sitting near a river. Alone with no one is around. Danger is near her. Better run along. Or she won't make it alive." I frozed when I heard that familiar voice. "Staying like no one is around. Pretending she didn't hear me. Won't you run? 'Cause it's your time."

I quickly stood up and faced her, I didn't get it wrong. It really is Clarity. How stupid can I even get!

Twilight is right. I'm so stupid!

"Oh now now. Why didn't you listen to her? Look at you near a danger. Twilight already said, don't go out or else. Now look at you. You're out here, seeing me freaks you out." Clarity said and smirked, "I know you wanna run, I won't stop you. Run as fast as you can, make sure I won't catch you. Go and warn them, 'Cause this is the last time I will let you all escape."

I didn't let her said her next words but I just suddenly run like she said so, I better wanr them! They can't die, I can't die. We all can't die just because of my stupidness!

" Run along, Honey! Because I'm going to catch you! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"I need to tell them!" I mumbled and ran fast back to the cave. I quickly went in when I reached our place, I saw them sitting in their own places.

"Where the hell have you been?! Didn't I told you not to go out?! Can't you really stop being so stupid just for a freaking while?!" Twilight yelled at me when I came inside.

"L-look. Now is not the time, I know I'm stupid and a but you better listen. I found Clarity, she knows where we all are. I-I didn't mean for her to see me."

"I already told you! No one will get the hell out of this place!"

"Then why can Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie and Apple Jack can?!"

"Why? You wanna starve to death?! You want us to bleed to death?! Huh?!"

"Now Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Just stop arguing, Clarity might hear us. I saw her watching Apple Jack earlier catching fish. Now is not the time as it is." Fluttershy said, cutting into our conversation. "You saw her and you didn't tell us?!"

"We all saw her, she's just around us. And now, we need to leave right away. This is no time for argument dear." Rarity said, "Since now she got a chance to be so near into one of us, it's time to leave before she catch us."

"Oki-doki-loki! Time to pack up everyone!" Pinkie said and grabbed all of the madical kit.

"We need to end this, we must take tha risk if we want to survive."

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