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*beep beep beep beep*

I looked at my alarm and saw the time. 9am...oh shooot!!!! The meeting with the boys my Uncle Simon has set up! It was in 30 minutes and I had a boy in my house with me.

I ran downstairs and saw my assistant and chef in the kitchen.

"Buenos Días señorita" Chef Carlos said.

"How was your night?" Sarah, my assistant, winked.

"How long before they get here?" I frantically asked

"You have time don't worry, I'll stall them if I have to. Just get that boy out and hop in the shower. It's fine" Sarah reassured me.

My father hired Sarah for me 5 years ago, more as a babysitter, but now she helps me schedule my meetings and runs my errands when I get busy. At this point she was a paid best friend, although being 10 years older than me.

I ran upstairs to wake up Nick and well politely send him home. But OHMYGOSHHHHH this boy would not wake up if a bulldozer was in my house.

"i need you to wake up now pleaseeee" I yelled as I pulled him onto the floor.

"why do you want another kiss???" he mumbled with his eyes still closed.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, "no I need you to go, I have an important meeting and I really can't have you here"

"oh shit what time is it???" he gasped as he stood up.


"oh shit oh shit, umm okay okay umm ill call you later and umm fuck okay bye"

wow, that was weird... whatever I had more important things to worry about. I hopped in the shower and got myself ready. I heard the doorbell ring as I got out of the shower and heard the boys being walked out the the balcony for an outside breakfast.

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isabella.marie todays fit
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I walked outside and saw four boys sitting down eating the food Chef Carlos had prepared.

"how's the food tasting?" I asked as I walked outside.

"it's like the best thing I've had in the world! like these waffles, and these eggs, oh my gosh and this orange juice!" a white boy with long pink hair said.

"well I'm glad, umm my name is Isabella Marie and I'm glad to meet all of you."

"hi my name is Zion"

"and I'm Brandon"

"im Edwin"

"oh my gosh and this hash brown is unreal! oh my bad, my name is Austin, pleased to meet you Isabella"

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now