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As I lay in bed, stuck with my thoughts floating around everywhere I thought about how different my life was a week ago. I didn't have a boyfriend. I didn't have 5 boys living with me. And i most definitely didn't have a long lost twin brother.

nicholas ❤️: you home??
me: yeah
nicholas❤️: can i come up and sleep you with 🥰😙
me: I sort of just want to be alone tonight babes, I'm sorry just too much on my head ☹️
nicholas❤️: thats alright babe, just call me up if you change your mind. also thanks for the blankets 😙

I woke up around 11am by the loud banging of pots and pans together coming from downstairs. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair before heading downstairs.

"you're making too much noise!!!" nick whispered loudly to austin

"im sorry im trying to be quite"

"you couldn't be quite if you tried" zion teased

"you guys suck at making breakfast, this is why I always make it" edwin addded.

"umm hello good morning" I said still a little groggy.

"great you see, y'all done made so much noise you woke isabella up" brandon shrugged

"morning baby" nick whispered in my ear as he gave me a big hug

The boys finished making waffles and eggs. I set the table and we all ate. During breakfast I told them about the dinner I didn't have at my dads, and the unconventional news of a long lost twin brother.

"YOU HAVE A BROTHER?" zion screamed dramatically

"obviously z, she literally just said that exact thing" ed rolled his eyes

"so what about this party huh?" zion asked

"i mean, you guys dont have anything scheduled for today so it's totally up to you" I assured them.

"let's hit the mall then cmon I need some party clothes" Brandon suggested

The boys and I got ready and gathered one by one in the living room as we were done. I took a quick picture as I sat on the couch.

"queen of selfies" nick winked as he gave me a kiss on the cheek

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"queen of selfies" nick winked as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We rode down to the mall that was about 15 minutes away. When we arrived at the mall the boys split up. Brandon went with Austin, Edwin with Zion, and Nick stayed with me. We occasionally ran into one or two fans who gave us weird looks but didn't questions us together alone.

We walked into H&M and began to look around. Nick grabbing a black bomber jacket and some jeans. I grabbed a black long sleeve see through shirt. We went to the register and as I tried reaching in for my wallet nick gave the cashier his card to pay.

"I have my own money you know"

"yea, but I just wanna get you something nice" he smiled

We walked out and went to find the boys. After an hour of shopping we headed home to get ready.


*** likes | ****commentsPRETTYMUCH what's poppin'? 😎-user629474 my boys looking hella flyyy-user8993 wish they'd stop playing and drop that music 😭-isabellamarie my fav boys ❤️-therealnickmara ^ur my fav 💗-user73937 um, we just gonna ignore tha...

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*** likes | ****comments
PRETTYMUCH what's poppin'? 😎
-user629474 my boys looking hella flyyy
-user8993 wish they'd stop playing and drop that music 😭
-isabellamarie my fav boys ❤️
-therealnickmara ^ur my fav 💗
-user73937 um, we just gonna ignore that comment up there or??? 🐸☕️
-theaustinporter bella is my fav too 💚
view all 177875 comments

"you're making it really hard to be lowkey with your comments nicholas carter mara" I pinched nick as we layed in my bed together.

"babe, I can't help it" he giggled rolling out of bed.

"whatever mara, you have to go get ready anyways so go leave byeeeee"

I kicked nick out of my room and began flipping through the clothes in my closet.


me: EDDDDD, i need expert stylist help ☹️😭ed 👦🏽: send me picss I'll help you choose
me: okay so this is option A 👇🏼

me: EDDDDD, i need expert stylist help ☹️😭ed 👦🏽: send me picss I'll help you chooseme: okay so this is option A 👇🏼

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me: or option B 👇🏼

ed 👦🏽: gurrrllll, nick better keep a close eye on you bc im tryna pick you up ASAP lol

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ed 👦🏽: gurrrllll, nick better keep a close eye on you bc im tryna pick you up ASAP lol. I like option A more though for a party
me: thanks ed 💗 see ya in a bit

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