thirty three

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the day had finally come to an end. i entered our home to the smell of food from the kitchen and loud screaming echoing from throughout the house.

"zion, what's with the screaming dude?" i asked seeing the tall canadian run downstairs.

"YOU KNOW THE VIBES" he continued yelling making me laugh.

"bella you're home!" brandon seemed surprised seeing me walking into the kitchen.

"this is my home isn't it?" i asked

the rest of the boys came in one by one taking a seat at the dinner table. Chef Carlos has made another meal for us before leaving for the day. we conversed within each other before the question of the day was asked.

"so, did the one who shall not be named say anything about us today?" edwin asked

"who?" i questioned

"he means did Shawn say anything?" zion clarified.

"bro, we said the one that SHALL not be named and you name him"

"SHALL i stick this breadstick up your ass?" zion said grabbing a breadstick from the middle of the table.

the two boys began bickering before being broken up by the others.

"no he has not said anything, but he did send my dad an email that he will be leaving the label. i think he came do realize that no matter what he does he can't win me over, so it's time to give up. it just suck that we're gonna loose so many fans that he brought" i explain.

"just wait on it, these beanz are gonna grow and create a fucking military branch" nick assured me.

we finished dinner and cleaned up our mess before parting our separate ways. i'd been a while since i recorded anything and decided to hop in the booth. i saw brandon and decided to join him.

"whatcha working on b?" i asked

"i have this track but i need some background vocals"

"why don't you get one of the boys in here?" i asked

"i need a female voice though" brandon explained playing the beat.

"so get nick in here" i joked

"bella can you please do this please! just one time" he began to beg

"brandon you know i can't do that, the last thing i need is attention from any source of media"

"it's just background vocals come on!"

i contemplated the move. he was right, it was just background vocals. no one else would ever know besides the boys and myself.

"fine, but i want zero recognition arreaga" i demand. you

"zero recognition, got it" the boy agreed.

"new song coming out soon with a music video stay tuned 😘"_______________________________

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"new song coming out soon with a music video stay tuned 😘"

two weeks later
the boys had another press interview today but this time i'd be going with them. it's been so long and i missed my boys, especially nick.

we walked out of the car together walking to the studio as i gripped my boyfriends hand. for some reason i was beginning to feel nervous and i couldn't comprehend why.

the boys were seated at a microphone each in front of them, while i was handed a pair of headphones to listen in.

the interview began with the same questions, "how did the band start", "who's most likely to fart", "who's the best cook".

"enough with the boring questions, we wanna talk about this new track y'all just hit us with. now, yes you are amazing no question about that. my question is who is this singer that's doing the female background vocals and where can we find her?" the interviewer asked.

the boys gave each other black stares between each other then at me before nick leaned into the mic.

"i'm gonna say it because i doubt she'll stay mad at me for too long but the background vocalist is our wonderful manager, who also happens to be my girlfriend, isabella marie" he laughed making eye contact with me.

"wow, your voice is amazing you know! we kept killing our selves trying to figure out who the heck it could be in the office here" the interviewer continued to compliment me.

"were really lucky to have her around and she has a great insight on the type of artist we want to become in the future" brandon continued.

"yeah yeah definitely. so isabella when will you be dropping your album?" the interviewer shifted her attention from the boys to me.

my mind went blank. first of this was an interview with the boys, secondly i didn't have a microphone straight in front of me, and thirdly i didn't have the intention of dropping an album.

"actually, this was more of a one time thing for isabella. we actually had to beg her to just do this little part in our song. besides if she started  writing her album, we couldn't have her along for the prettymuch journey" brandon intervened flashing me a smile.

i gave a sigh of relief. this is the reason i didn't want to be a part of anything vocally. sure i'd continue writing song and giving them to other artist, or help produce songs, but to be my own artist was not on my list of what to do.

we arrived home after another 3 interviews all separating into our designated rooms. I was very annoyed with nick at the moment for calling me out on being a part of the track when i has made it clear that i didn't want my name out there like that. as i jumped into my bed laying down my phone buzzed, forcing me to get up.

"hello" i answered

"hi sweetie, i have some good news for you. i just got a call from kehlani, you know the singer, yeah she heard your boys song and she wants to collab with you" my dad said


"umm sure i'd love to, what kind of song does she want me to write for her?" i ask

"no bella, she wants you to sing with her"

"sing? dad, you know i don't sing. you're the one that didn't let me sing when i was younger. why would i start now?" i begin to get angry

"i didn't let you sing because you had so much more then accomplish being a genius and all bella, now you're grown and you can do whatever you want"

"i'm not doing it dad, i can't"

"let me rephrase myself, you can do whatever you want but you're singing on this track with kehlani so get ready"

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now