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after the whole breakfast meltdown, I went upstairs and cried in my bedroom. once again, I understood the pain I had gave Nick by hanging out with Shawn after what he had said at the band but to push me away so much hurt me.


what are you doing tonight?
nothing? at least I don't think so. 😅
wrong we're going out. ☺️
what about your boyfriend?
bella ❤️
I don't have a boyfriend 🤷🏽‍♀️
shoot if you say so, I'll pick you up at 7 😚

mendes✨has changed your contact name                to future wife❤️


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isabella.marie out tonight with a friend 😇
-user2737 a friend? or nick ☺️🤢
-user1929 not all of us BEANZ are mean, you're so pretty 😻
-shawnmendes see you soon ❤️
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As I sat on my bed waiting for shawn to arrive, there was a knock on my door. I stood up to open it, to see Nick standing on the other side.

"I don't have anything to say to you" I say as I begin to close my door.

"baby, please hear me out I was mad and hungover. I didn't mean any of that" he said pushing my door open

"you were hungover, meaning sober Nicholas"

"Bella, I was irrational! wait, where are you going all dressed up like that?" he cut himself off looking at my outfit.

The doorbell rang and I walked out leaving Nick behind.

"bella where are you going? I'm trying to talk to you!" he yelled running after me.

I opened the door and saw Shawn standing in his eternal perfection. Bad timing, but still perfection.

"Ready to go?" shawn asked standing there.

"Bella, please let me finish talking to y- ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You're going out with this dumbass?" Nick snapped as he looked past me and saw Shawn in the doorway.

"Hello to you too man" shawn waved.

"You told me to go out and to leave you alone so I'm listening to your advice Nick" I yelled

"I already told you, I was stupid!"

"goodnight Nick" I said before Turing around and closing the door behind me.

nicks POV

I fucked up. I know I know, shut up. I shouldn't have gotten mad at Bella for going out with Shawn. I shouldn't have gone out and gotten drunk. I shouldn't have danced with Alexys. I shouldn't have snapped at everyone for breakfast this morning.

I was trying to make things right with her though, and she wouldn't let me. How in the world was I going things right with the most perfect girl in this world?

"my girl at a party can't control it" I sang expressing my feelings out loud.


"BRANDON" I yelled running into his room.

"what's good"

"I need your help with something"

"what bro"

"a song"

a smile formed on his face and we ran into the recording booth in the house. I began to write down things that came into my head while B got a melody started.

🎶 every time we do this it's the same thing, I know when we fight we'll be fine by the morning 🎶

"so what's the motivation behind the song huh?" Brandon asked

"you already know so why you askin" I laughed

"I wanna hear you say it"

"I like her, like a lot. I was jealous and stupid and I want her back."

"damn right you were, so what are you gonna do with this song?"

"I don't exactly know how but I wanna sing it for her obviously"

"we'll figure it out bro don't trip" B assured me.

isabella's POV

I got home past midnight, tiptoeing into my room and everything was already turned off. Shawn and I had fun tonight but nothing went beyond the friend zone. At this point, that's all Shawn was too me. My heart belonged to Nick, although at the moment it was hard to admit it.

As I walked into my room I saw a bouquet of roses laying on my bed, along with a note:

this doesn't make up for what I did, but I hope they put a smile on you're face ❤️ -N

He was right, it didn't make up for what he did but I couldn't be too mad at him either. It actually made me even more excited to tell the boys I had finally planned their first tour. I went to bed and waited for the sun to rise to tell them over breakfast.

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***likes | **** commentsPRETTYMUCH coming soon to a city near you 😉🎶🤘🏽 -user8383 IS THIS A TOUR HINT???? 😵-user72838 look at austin 😻       -theaustinporter : what about me? -isabella

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***likes | **** comments
PRETTYMUCH coming soon to a city near you 😉🎶🤘🏽
-user8383 IS THIS A TOUR HINT???? 😵
-user72838 look at austin 😻
       -theaustinporter : what about me?
-isabella.marie total babes, all of you 😛
      -therealnickmara ❤️
-user28383 any international dates soon?
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a/n : okay so small rant, I literally became a BEANZ like 3 months ago. I love the guys and their personalities ❤️ I just feel like I couldn't handle going to their concert because this fandom is so wild and I don't know. I mean I still support them and all because they're amazing and so sweet to their fans but I think we don't give them the respect they deserve 🤷🏽‍♀️

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