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I laid in my bunk after my shower. The bus was silent as the boys were outside playing football but I didn't mind. After the crazy past few days of shows, I just needed peace and quiet.

"BELLA COME GET YOUR BOY" edwin yelled before screaming at the top of his lungs

I walked outside in my slippers and big sweater to see Nick on top of Edwin wrestling with each other.

"what the fuck is going on?" I laughed

"HELPPP, HES TOO FAT I CANT BREATH" edwin scretched.

"babe let's go watch movies" I suggest

Nick let go of Edwin and stood up from the ground. We couped up in his bunk and played Stranger Things on my laptop.

"what are you thinking" nick asked seeing me space away from the screen

"I don't know if I finished scheduling interviews for Shawn" I said

"Bella, you're on tour with us baby. Isn't there anyone else that can take care of him while your gone?"

"I mean yea but- "

"then let them worry about it and live in this moment" he kissed me on the forehead.

"HELLOOO NEW YORK" edwin yelled as he stepped off the bus.

Tonight was the first night we weren't having a show. Instead the PM boys were going to be on Wild N Out with Nick Cannon while Jack&Jack did press interviews.

The entire crew piled off the bus and settled into the our own hotel rooms.

"babe do you have toothpaste?" Nick asked from the restroom.

"yeah it's in my black bag"

a knock hit the door with voices on the other side.

"I'm hungry" edwin yelled through the door.

"We're coming" I laugh.

We headed down to a Dominican restaurant that Edwin suggested before the boys left to the show.
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*** likes | ***comments PRETTYMUCH we rockin pretty 😎 -user1 THEYRE SO SO HOT 😫-jackandjack lookin hella fly my guys 🔥-user2 THEYRE IN NY ALREADY OMMMG-user3 can brandon have my babies or is that not allowed yet??? 😓-isabella

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*** likes | ***comments
PRETTYMUCH we rockin pretty 😎
-jackandjack lookin hella fly my guys 🔥
-user3 can brandon have my babies or is that not allowed yet??? 😓
-isabella.marie favorite boyband ❤️

The band left a few hours later to the show taping leaving me with the Jacks. We went down to a radio station to do press. The three of us headed into a studio where we wore headphones and talked into the mic. Not that i was going to talk but just to listen in.

                 ⚡️ prettyboyz and bella ⚡️
aussie 🌞
why does NICK CANNON keep asking about you bella???
bella 🤩
because I know him? lol cmon keep up
nicholas ❤️
HOW does nick cannon know you is the real question....
z 😈
jealous my boy ????
nicholas ❤️
I'm not jealous, just curious.....
bella 🤩
my dad was his manager when he first started his career and he would always bring me toys and stuff to keep me entertained 😅
bee 🐝
makes sense why he kept referring to you as his "baby B" 🤣
bella 🤩
yeah so don't make me look bad and get off your damn phones and go kill that shit up there 🤘🏽

It was around 11pm when the group finally got back to the hotel room from Wild N Out. They had a show the next day so rest was essential.

"hi baby" Nick murmured walking into our hotel room.

"why the frown" I ask helping him take off his jacket.

"I'm just tired" he shrugged

"I'll tell you what if you go shower, I'll make sure to join you" I wink

"you don't have to tell me twice" he runs into the bathroom turning the water on causing me to laugh.

I reach over to grab my phone realizing that it was not my phone that had rang but it was Nick's. I took a glance at it wondering who could be texting my right now.

>imessage from alexys cruz

bella it's just a message no need to overreact. sure it's from an ex. sure it's late. but trust nick he would never do that to you.

"BABE IM WAITUNG" nick yells from the restroom.

"coming" I sing, brushing the thought of his phone away.

I woke up the next morning before nick and decided to go downstairs and get breakfast. As I walked into the kitchen I saw Austin sitting alone watching anime on his phone, eating a bowl of fruit loops.

"hey aussie" I smile

"what's up" he says loosing no eye contact to his phone.

"how was the show last night?" I ask

"it was fun but I'm kind of mad at you" he wrinkles his forehead putting his phone down.

"mad at me? why?"

"you told us to get off our phones in the group but you kept texting Nick after" he accuses

"I wasnt texting nick after the groupchat austin"

"bullshit, that boy was smiling like a total he  doofus at his phone yesterday and I know it was because of you bella"

or maybe it was because of Alexys.  

a/n: guys I reached 1k reads omgg. I literally started this story for myself and decided to post it publicly after like 2 months. Thank you guys for reading and like let's see what drama unfolds. 😛🤘🏽

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