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Just like always, one by one we came into the living room waiting for everyone to finish getting ready.

"BRANDON, HURRY UP IM TRYNA GO PARTY" austin screamed to brandon who was still downstairs in his room getting ready.

"you can't rush the groove" brandon teased

"yo, bella you look cute who helped you pick your outfit" edwin winked

"oh you know just the best personal stylist in the world" I flipped my hair

I looked at nick who was smiling from ear to ear at me. gosh, this shark boy looking headass made my stomach turn into knots and all I wanted to do was kiss him day and night.

"what's with the smile huh" I asked

"you look good"

I began to blush so I turned my face away from him, but he swiftly grabbed my face in his hand and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"oh cmon you don't gotta remind us how lonely we are bro" zion grunted

Nick and I began to laugh at his comment knowing he was being sarcastic. Over the past few days we had seen Zion in his phone smiling nonstop, so one could only conclude it was because of a girl.

"yo, I'm done let's get a move on" brandon yelled from downstairs

The boys and I headed out the door and out to the party.

me: hey jack, it's bella. do you mind sending that address pls ☺️
jack g😀: of course sis ❤️ glad you're comin btw, here it's 2729 Roseweld Ave, Los Angeles, CA.
me: see ya soon 😅

On our 30 minute drive, Zion was DJ while Brandon drove. Austin and Edwin sat in the back row while me and nick sat in the middle.

"oh guys, i forgot to tell you but I got the final copy of your single today"




After 15 times of playing their song, we finally arrived at Jack and Jacks house. We walked in and found the boys right away.

"hi jacksss, these are my boys brandon, edwin, austin, nick, and zion" i said introducing them

"hey guys nice to meet you, there's booze over there and chips. beer bong game is outside and umm yea just feel free to grab anything you see" jack smiled.

"wait how do distinguish who were talking to when we say jack?" Brandon asked them.

"oh okay so i go by G because of my last name, and he goes by J because of his last name so yea"

"got it bud" B replied giving them a thumbs up.

"do you guys mind if I take my sister? just wanna get to know her a bit"

The boys nodded and split their ways. Nick was a bit reluctant but after I gave him a smile indicating it would be okay, he went to find the other boys.

J took me around the party where he introduced me to his girlfriend Madison and other friends of his. After a while we went found a quite spot in the corner outside and began to talk about our entire lives apart.

"wow, looks like my parents choose to give up the wrong kid" G laughed.


"because you're the super smart twin, and I'm just normal" he replied

"I mean, hasn't always been good. Having to go the college with people way older than me was sort of annoying because everyone treated me like a freak"

"but still you're hella smart and pretty so I feel like they'd feel so stupid if they saw you now"

"honestly I'm still astounded by the fact that I have a twin brother"

"you should come over some day for dinner, just so they can get to meet you."

"yikes, I don't know about that one."

"why not? don't you just wanna see where you came from?"

"I mean, I feel good with the place I'm at in my life, and your parents choice to give me up made me who I am today and I don't think I would change that"

I glanced over at the beer pong table and saw all 5 of my PM boys playing. I couldn't believe within a week the difference they had made in my life. Weirdly enough, it was as if they were making me normal.

"so, im loving this whole bonding thing but I really wanna go hang out with the boys now." I told G

"okay no worries, I'll just text you during the week and see what you're up too"

"oh actually, i called my uncle Simon and asked him about your meeting with him. So on behalf of Sony Music Entertainment, welcome to the family G" I congratulated him

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" G yelled, causing everyone to look at us in confusion.

"JOHNSON GET OVER HERE, WERE SIGNED BRO! WE DID IT" G kept screaming making everyone cheer in excitement.

The two hugged me before running off and hugging everyone else. I walked over to Nick who was clapping along with everyone else.

"I missed you" he whispered as he gave me a kiss on the forehead

I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my head against his chest. The rest of the boys continued to play beer pong as nick and I stood on the side.

****likes | ****commentsPRETTYMUCHSHADEROOM well, well, well 🐸☕️ looks like this nick and his manger's relationship is closer than we suspected BEANZ

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****likes | ****comments
PRETTYMUCHSHADEROOM well, well, well 🐸☕️ looks like this nick and his manger's relationship is closer than we suspected BEANZ. the couple was spotted yesterday at a party at Jack&Jacks home kissing on multiple occasions.
-user2884 i think they're cute, and he's happy so why are we trippin???🙄
-theaustinporter fake news.... 😅
-user28649 i hate how the boys can't even be honest with us. like if they're dating someone why can't they just say it 🙃🙃🙃🙃
-brandon_arreaga ^because all you BEANZ do is overreact over little friendships we have with any female.
-therealnickmara could literally be any girl but believe what you want y'all idc at this point. 😊
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a/n: I just wanna apologize if things keep changing bc I'm still tryna figure out how I want things to look 🙃🙄

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