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nicholas mara:
hey, can I come upstairs?
I need to talk to someone...
should we really be breaking
the rules on the first
night you boys move in?
nicholas mara:
bella, I really can't sleep.
fine, be quite though.
austin fell asleep up here.


I heard a quite knock on my door and whispered for nick to come in. he pushed his hair back as he looked down as the floor. I patted a spot next to me on my bed, inviting him to sit.

"what's up?" I asked, still under my covers.

"just having a hard time sleeping, I don't know if I'm getting homesick or im just not built for this life" he said as he fell onto my bed, laying down next to me.

I turned my body towards him and began to stroke his hair. He looked at me and gave me a smile for looking back towards the ceiling.

"listen, I took a chance on all of you because I heard something special. so don't feel as if you're not made for this life because this world shouldn't go on without knowing you"

"we're not gonna make it, you know" nick laughed

"what do you mean we're not gonna make it? you boys are incredible"

"no not the boys. me and you. no way we can resist each other"

"is that right?" I chuckled at nicks comment. I mean he was right but I couldn't let him know.

Nick rolled over on his side, facing me straight on. He began to caress my face and brush my hair back before kissing my forehead. His hands moved to my lips before gently pressing his lips against mine.

"nick, we shouldn't be doing th-" I began

"shhh, just enjoy the moment" he interrupted.

Although I knew we shouldn't be in my bed together, I couldn't help but feel completely comfortable with him next to me. We began to kiss before taking a piece of clothing off at a time leading to becoming naked and then....


*beep beep beep*

I rolled over to turn off my alarm. When I rolled back around I saw nick lying asleep next to me. shoot. shoot. shoot.

"nick, wake up" I whispered

"uhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he groaned

"nope don't do this you need to get up, the boys are going to see you come out of my room" I tugged on him.

"welp I guess we'll just have to tell them" he giggled

"nicholas mara, you are so not cute right now. I need you to leave" I complained

"fine but I want a kiss first" he said.

I pecked his lips and he went on his way. I showered and prepared myself for a day in the studio with the boys. After my shower I headed downstairs to the kitchen to find my chef making breakfast.

"buenos dias carlos, just to let you know we have 5 boys joining us this morning...and we'll for a while I suppose"

"do not worry madame, ms.sarah has already informed me" carlos responsed.

I turned around and saw the boys running from bathroom to room all in a rush. Soon my assistant came thru the door and greeted everyone.

"well hello to you too cutie" edwin said following sarah to the kitchen with me.

"hey, back off she's off limits" I laughed, "this is sarah, my assistant and she's way out of your league buddy"

"that's colddddd" edwin chuckles before running back to his room to finish getting ready.

Soon all the boys were done getting ready and in the kitchen eating. Between all the talking, I gave a glance over at nick and caught him staring directly at me. I smirked before looking away.

"so nick, where'd you go last night bro?" zion asked

" what do you mean? I was right here" nick responded.

"not even bro. I was tryna play fortnite wit you and I checked your room and you weren't there" zion laughed.

"probably went to see the girl from last time that made him late" brandon said, making all the boys turn and tease nick making kissy faces.

Nick began to blush turning red before standing up from the table to wash his dishes.

"so nick who's the girl huh? do we know her? huh? tell us?" austin insisted

"yea, her name is MindYa" nick responded.

"what?" the boys said in confusion


the boys all laughed before standing up and putting their dishes in the sink. We got our belongings before heading over the the music studio.

"you guys go ahead I forgot to get my sunglasses" I waved at the boys

"oh shoot I forgot mine too, I'll go with you bella" austin said.

After going back upstairs, I came down to the first floor and saw austin waiting for me without any glasses.

"where's your glasses kid?" i asked

"I didn't actually forget them, I just had to talk to you"


"I know where nick was last night"

"okay and why do I care?"

"because he was with you... in your room. and look you're both grown adults but I just don't want any drama between you guys if this goes south," austin began, " I meant what I said last night. you're like legit and I don't want to not have you on our team. and nick is the homie so I just don't want drama between you guys"

"that's what we're trying to avoid by not telling anyone austin. look we don't even know what we want yet, so I think it's best to keep you boys out of it for now"

" I get you, I just didn't know how to process this" he said

"let's go, we got music to make" I laughed pulling him into a side hug.

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now