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The crowd went wild, the screaming of hundreds of girl filled the studio. The boys stood still taking it all in. I was so proud of them and their progress within the past weeks.

"I will never get tired doing this" brandon said coming off stage.

"keep doing what you have to and you'll never have to" I responded as the boys took their clothes off and changed into something more comfortable.

After taking pictures and talking to James for a bit, we finally left at 1am. We were all pretty exhausted but somehow still ended up at Denny's eating, mostly in silence but still talking.

"so what did you think" austin asked me between stuffing french fries in his mouth.

"I was literally on my feet the entire time, it was so good!!!" I complimented them.

my phone began to buzz and I looked down to see who it was.
            incoming call from mendes
                   ✔️decline | accept

        mendes✨ has left you a voicemail

I excused myself from the table and went outside to listen to the voicemail Shawn had left on speaker.

"yo b, I just wanted to call you and tell you that you're missing out on a hell of a party babygirl. oops, guess I shouldn't call you that right since you're probably dating that Italian little boy. it's okay I don't care because you'll be done with him soon and then we'll go back to being friends who occasionally have sex. who knows maybe I'll write another song about you. anyways I love you and yea fuck that guy" shawn's voice echoed from my phone

"yikes, he sounds hella drunk" austin said standing by the door.

"fuck porter, you scared me" I jumped.

"sorry, you just seemed off at the table and I wanted to make sure you were okay bella"

"well after that message I don't know what I feel. I mean I know how I feel but it's just hard ya know, like shawn is my best and I love him but the way he's acting towards you boys isn't cool and I won't stand you guys being disrespected"

"you're seriously the best manager ever, no cap" he laughed bringing me into a hug.

We walked back inside, austin with his arm around my shoulder causing weird looks from the boys.

"you good?" nick whispered as I sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around his.

"I'm good boo" I smiled.

After getting home we all split into our rooms, expect nick who came up with me. We jumped into bed and drifted to sleep soon.

I woke up at noon because of nick's snores. Gosh, this boy was so beautiful to look at even when he was sleeping. I was so far in love to this man and I couldn't even tell the world.

"I feel you watching me creeper" nick mumbled while keeping his eyes closed.

"you're just so beautiful babe"

"no I'm not, but you are so come lay back down with me" he said.

"As much as I'd love too, I have to get up so I can go into the office" I complained

"I didn't know we were going in today"

"you're not, you have the day off. I, on the other hand have things I need to get done" I groaned

"when do you have the day off?"

"I think sometime next year, but I might be wrong" I teased

"I'm serious isabella"

"I don't know nicholas, I think tomorrow we have that radio interview in the morning but we're done for the day after"

"it's a date, I'll plan everything" he smiled.

"I'll be back later" I said giving him a kiss goodbye before heading out the door.

If I'm being honest, I didn't have a lot to do. I just simply needed to talk to Shawn in person and I knew he'd be in the studio. But how was I going to explain that to Nick? I felt so bad lying but I didn't want to have to explain all of this to him, and then create more tension between them.

I dropped my bag off in my office before heading into Shawn's favorite recording booth.

"hey you" I smiled walking into the room.

He was sitting inside the room staring blankly into the microphone. When I began to talk his eyes looked up and his face began to blush entirely.

"oh my gosh b, I am so sorry for last night. I was so fucking drunk and I was sort of upset you didn't come and then I called and left a dumbass voicemail. I'm sooo sorry" he began to apologize.

"mendes, I know it's not you. I didn't take you too seriously, although you sort of hurt my feelings"

"listen bella, I was upset but it was never my intention to be rude to you or the choices you make okay"

"it's okay now shawn, I promise" I assured him.

We hugged for a while before he suggested we get breakfast, being that I hadn't ate. Shawn and I walked down to Urth Cafe in L.A trying our best to keep him incognito so fans wouldn't stampede him.

Honestly it was one of my favorite things to do, and I had gotten really good at it. I'd start by putting a wig on him that looked obviously fake, and continue by placing a fake mustache on him along with huge pink sunglasses.

"you make me look more and more ridiculous each time b" Shawn complained

"hey you wanted to be all famous and shut, now you deal with the consequences" I laughed

"I don't understand how you've managed to remain under the radar after all these years of helping so many artist with their music, and managing people, and last but not least being my best friend"

"it's truly a blessing" I laughed

"speaking of managing, hows your little boyband"

"don't degrade them like they're little boys, they're the same age of you shawn" i retaliated

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I meant like because they just started off ya know"

"well to just have started I think they're doing really well"
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"well to just have started I think they're doing really well"_______________________________                           NEW POST

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**likes | * comments
shadyshawnn.n someone sent this in to me, but looks like Shawn got B to ditch those little boys that call themselves a band. no shade, all tea. 🐸☕️
-user29398 he was supposed to meet me for lunch today though 😅
-user29393 get yo girl @therealnickmara 🙄
-user2829 we don't want no new friends @therealnickmara😐😐


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