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"thank you guys for coming out tonight, we love you and we thank you for allowing us to come play some music for y'all on this tour" Brandon said into the mic.

This was the last show of tour. It had been an entire 3 months of the same show, and the feeling of seeing the boys on stage never got old.

As for Nick and I, things had gotten way better. He talked about going to New Jersey and have me meet his family after we got back home. I wasn't scared or anything but I felt like something was bound to go wrong. G had also been pushing the subject of meeting his parents, my biological parents, but that was a definite nope.

"so what are we doing to celebrate the last show" Zion asked breathing heavily

"you can't even regulate your breathing and you wanna go celebrate" I laughed at him.

"fuck off" he laughed.

The boys hopped on the bus and showered before we decided to go out to the club.

"bella take a flick"  Brandon said handing me a camera, while the boys posed.
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***likes | *** commentsPRETTYMUCH our moms don't know we stay up past our bedtime 🤫 -user1 B posted this one, FORSUREEE 😂-user2 nick looking mighty fine 😍-isabella

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***likes | *** comments
PRETTYMUCH our moms don't know we stay up past our bedtime 🤫
-user1 B posted this one, FORSUREEE 😂
-user2 nick looking mighty fine 😍
-isabella.marie ^i agree ❤️
-thealexyscruz ^^she right
-user3 gurlll you gotta roll out we don't stan you no more 🥰
-edwinhonoret anyone feel hot all of a sudden???? 😅
"I'm ready" Nick said coming out of the restroom.

"about time, you take so fucking long" Zion groaned.

We took an Uber and got dropped off at the club. I knew the club owner through previous jobs and we were let in immediately. The club was packed and super loud. The smell on alcohol rose off the floor due to spilled drinks.

"what?" I yelled at nick

"I said do you want to dance?" He repeated himself

I nodded my head and he led me to the dance floor. Zion was already grinding with a girl, Edwin and Austin were battling in a corner, and Brandon stayed behind at a table drinking.

"ima go get a drink" nick said into my ear before walking over to the bar

I stayed on the floor dancing on my own before feeling a hand on my hip. I continued dancing thinking it was Nick that had returned. The moment I turned around to kiss him, I realized that it was not Nick. I pushed the guy away and tried walking away. The guy grabbed my arm and pulled me back towards him trying to kiss my face

"YO LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE" nick yelled running back to me.

"stay out of this shortstack" the guy complained

"fuck off asshole" Zion joined in on the argument.

"what's going on" austin asked walking over to this circle that has formed around us.

"you better get your friend before i fuck him up" the guy continued to yell at the boys.

i finally pulled myself away from his grip and ran into Nicks arms.

"babe you good?" nick whispered in my ear comforting me.

"you an ugly ass hoe anyways" the guy flipped me off

"nope that's the line my guy" G said before shoving his fist in the guys face.

the two men kept exchanging hits until Zion tried to separate the two.

"G you good?" brandon asked the wide eyed Jack.

"yeah i'm good but whey do you have 4 eyes" G giggled

"funny joke, haven't heard that one before"

"no no no, there's 2 eyes here and two eyes up there" G said pointing to the ceiling

"are you sure you're okay?" Johnson asked lifting G by his shoulder

boom. my brother fell on the floor quickly being picked up by the boys rushing him outside and getting him water.

"He won't wake up, what do we do!" edwin yelled frantically.

"we need to get him to the ER, he could have a concussion!" i act quickly pulling my phone out and dialing 911.

The ambulance arrived and loaded G up in the gurney. i hopped on and went with him while the boys waited for an uber to take them to the hospital. When the ambulance arrived, things moved rather quickly and i was seated in the waiting room. if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here right now. fuck fuck fuck.

"I'm looking for my brother" a girl said nervously, as she walked up to the receptionist.

"name please?"

"jack, jack gilinsky" he said

oh no. this was one of jacks older sisters. FUCK she was my older sister. oh no oh no. why would she be michigan though?

"he's still being looked at but for now i need you to take a seat mam"

she took the seat across from me and gave me a nervous smile. should i tell her? does she know? i mean if  she doesn't know, doesn't that prove that we aren't sister, but rather just strangers that were born with similar genetics? snap out of your head isabella, say something.

"hi i'm Isa-" i began

"MOLLY, thank you for coming so fast" Johnson interrupted walking in with the tea of the boys.

"he's my brother of course i'm going to check on him" molly replied

Johnson gave her a hug and looked over at me realizing the situation.

"oh molls, have you had the chance to meet isabella yet?" he asked turning her attention to me.

"no i haven't, umm nice to meet you. i'm sorry are you his girlfriend or something?" molly said

"oh no, not his girlfriend" i laughed

"then? what are you?" she buried her eyebrows

"she's Jack's twin sister" johnson slipped
a/n : oh shit, she really just met another long lost sibling 🤗  thanks for all the love you guys are honestly incredible and amazing and if you're going on the FOMO tour think of me while you're there ❤️❤️❤️

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