thirty six

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it had been three months since tour with kehlani started. i had dropped an EP of my own right before we started so i was singing those for now, until i could find the right songs to put in an album.

i'm not a hypocrite i promise. i kept telling myself i didn't wanna do music independently for so long that i just started to believe it even though i didn't mean it. so after i let go of prettymuch i had a realization that music could be my full time gig. i searched through songs i had written in the past but never sold to other artist and recorded them for my EP.

today was the first time i had been in LA since tour started. i was happy to be home, even though nothing was the same. a month after i left, the boys found their own house. they were still under my dads company but managed by someone different. being completely honest, i still check up on them. it sort of annoys their manager.

i made plans to eat lunch with Brandon at the farmers market at noon, so i made my way downtown with a flash drive in my hand.

"well well well, look who kehlani finally gave a day off" brandon greeted me with open arms.

"B, i missed you so much!"

"ditto captain" he laughed

we sat down at a picnic table with a rainbow umbrella eating our burger and fries.

"so that EP you dropped was pretty dope" brandon mumbled stuffing fries in his mouth.

"thanks it was really random and had songs from everywhere but it was cool to put together"

"that shit had some straight up bangers. you should have seen me and the boys jamming out" he threw his head back and forth.

"how are they? the boys i mean?" i asked

"well the boys are boys, just doing music you know. but if you mean nick, well nick... he's a bit everywhere right now you know"

"yeah i saw a bit" i curled my lip

"every week it's a new girl, it's like he doesn't know what he wants but in reality he's just searching for a bit of you in all of them"

"b, i have something for you" i stopped him handing him the flash drive.

"for me?"

"well for all of you guys. i wrote a song. and i want you guys to have it. and drop it. your manager already has the track and it's ready for recording"

"are you serious bella?"

i nodded my head vigorously making brandon get up and give me another one of his huge hugs. we parted our way after another hour of catching up.

like i said, i had been keeping up with the boys. every week it was like nick was in a relationship with a new girl. it definitely hurt me, but i understood i had hurt him in an unthinkable way. when i began writing a song to help with my emotions, i realized that it would be even better to give it the the boys and let them sing it.
no one's pov

brandon arrived home with the white flash drive in his hand that isabella has given him earlier. walking into the garage where they had set up the music studio sat all 4 of his band mates.

"good you're all here!" brandon jumped excited.

"what's with the hippity hops" z laughed at him.

"bella gave us a song" brandon smiles plugging in the flash drive to the computer

"throw that shit away" nick groaned at the mention of her name.

the track opened and played automatically sounding the voice of the beautiful girl he once loved dearly.

the room fell silent just like every other time one of bella's songs came through the radio.

"she gave us this?" austin asked.

"yup, it's ours" brandon nodded.

"can we add anything?" edwin asked.

"i mean it's ours, so yea" brandon answered.

"i'm not doing it" nick said sternly from the couch.

"of course you're not. dude get over yourself and just sing the song" zion protested.

"don't you see she still thinks about you, she still checks on you, she wrote this song for you dumbass" brandon adds.

nicks rolled his eyes not seeing how the song could possibly be about him. all it talked about was phases. phases of what? he wasn't going through any phases.

"just tell me what i have to sing to get you assholes off my back" he groaned.
two weeks later

austin's phone rang at 9pm  as soon as phases dropped in the U.S. 

"guys it's bella!" he screamed through the house gathering all the boys into the living room.

"hi bellz" he smiled answering the facetime.

"hey aussie" the girl laughed through the screen.

"so what do you think about what we did to the song?" brandon asked.

"it honestly sounds so much better, and that rap literally made me melt so good job Z and Ed" bella thumbed up.

"thanks for the song" nick mumbled causing everyone to give him a look of shock.

"yeah absolutely" bella smiled from cheek to cheek.

"hey do you mind if i call you after you get of the phone here?" he asked the girl.

"yeah for sure, i'm not doing anything else"

the boys continued to tease nick and push him around before austin ended the call so the two lovers could talk. nick ran up to his room, while the others stood outside his door listening in on the conversation.

"so what was that about waiting patiently while i get wasted" nick said when his call was answered.

all he could hear was isabella's giggles from the other end, and for the longest time it was all he wanted to hear. now he finally had her back and he wasn't letting go.


a/n: and that's a wrap! thank you guys for reading this story that i started for fun. it was really fun and a creative outlet for me so i'm glad you enjoyed it. i have other stories i started writing but i won't publish until they're more developed but yeah i'll be back soon loves ❤️  also thinking about writing a sequel to this 🤔 let me know what you think i should do.

also phases is a fucking bop!!!!

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