thirty four

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the arguing with my dad continued over being a featured artist on kehlani's new song. i didn't want to be an artist. i didn't want to be in the spotlight. i know many people would kill for this opportunity and up to a certain age i would too, but after some time i got over it.

a knock beat on the other side of my closed door.

"who is it?" i groaned.

"your boo"

"come in"

i laid back down in my bed as nick walked in changed into his pajamas. he saw the disappointment in my eyes but i could tell he didn't want to say anything. as we sat in silence as he turned on the tv to continue playing the office series we had begun watching on netflix.

"i'm sorry i said it was you" he finally broke

"i'm over that at this point"

"then why do you still look upset?"

"my dad called. kehlani heard the song with you guys and she wants me to collab with her" i explained to the boy cuddled up next to me.

"babe, that's awesome! what are you thinking about writing?" nick asked.

"nick, i'm not just writing. i'm singing too. my dad didn't give me an option" i complain

"bella that's huge! how can you even be upset? this is kehlani we're freaking talking about" nick said in excitement

"did someone say kehlani?" zion poked his head into my room.

"well hello to you too nosey" i rolled my eyes.

zion joined us in the room and started playing kehlani's music to "get me in the mood" and give me a pep talk about the my future career.

"what's so bad about doing ONE song with someone?" z asked.

"okay i do one song, then i do another one, then another one, then it never ends."

"and would that be the worst thing in the world?" nick interrupted.

"listen, i'm not saying it's bad. but i don't want to sing. i love managing you guys and if i started singing myself, i'd have to leave you"

"i think you're being a pussy" z blurted.

"me too" nick agreed.

"fuck both of you" i rolled my eyes.

"sorry i don't do threesomes" zion shrugged his shoulders.

the three of us busted out in laughter leading to nick falling onto the floor. this is why i loved these boys. they made my life so much for interesting and fun. as for the music it was just something i'd have to do.
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kehlani  did a lil' something with my friend @isabella.marie 🎶🤘🏽
prettymuch that's our girl!!!!
user2 both of their voices are so 😻
therealnickmara glad someone could get her
to believe in herself and get her on a track ❤️

i ran off stage with kehlani's hand intertwined with mine. i had preformed on big stages before, but just background dancing. singing to a crowd was insanely intimidating but also so thrill seeking.

"i can't believe i just did that" i shook

"babygirl you were amazing!!! i can't wait for you to join me on tour and do this every night!" kehlani jumped.

"what do you mean tour?" i asked confused

"yeah, tour. my manager called your company and they signed a contract this morning! aren't you excited?"

my face went blank. the past few weeks were so fun and time consuming. i hadn't seen the boys in so long, i was never home, but being in a studio recording my own music was so amazing. hearing a crowd sing my song was beyond anything i could ever feel.

my phone began to buzz indicating a FaceTime call from nick.

"hello" i answered softly.


"is that bella???" brandon asked in the background

"YO, tell her i said it was a good as performance" edwin yelled

"we're a proud of our girl!" austin added

"chill, she's my girl okay?" zion said

"anyways we just wanted to say good job baby girl and i can't wait to finally have you back home again all the time" nick said after he finally got the phone back.

i gave him a fake smile before hanging up and grabbing my stuff from backstage. it was still a two hour drive back home so i'd be a while before actually getting home and having to break the bad news to my boys. wow my boys. obviously i wasn't dating all of them but i had gotten so close to everyone in different ways. what was i going to do away from them for so long?

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