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I can't believe it. After a month of keeping my relationship lowkey, it was finally out there into the world. OH NO! The world knew... MY DAD. fuck fuck fuck.

I looked down at my phone and saw a call coming in from no other than my dad.

"hellooo" I said quietly into the phone

"isabella marie are you fucking kidding me? I had to find out from Simon that you're dating one of those kids" he complained

"dad, i was trying to figure out my next step before I said anything"

"and??? what's the next step??? to cause chaos in the company and watch it burn down to the ground? I've built this studio to be well respected and creditable and you're throwing that away for a boy?" he was frustrated

"I've never dated anyone in my life, because you never let me. Between taking me in for neurology testing and more IQ Mensa testing, you never let me be a child so excuse me if I take my feelings for a man seriously now that I'm grown dad."

"B, this isn't a joke. you can't play with a contract. he's you're client for fucksake."

"well it's not really your problem to deal with now is it" I said before throwing my phone across the room in anger.

I got up from out of bed and heard Nick's singing from inside my shower.

"morning" I said walking into the restroom

"hi baby, how did you sleep?" he asked

"I was with you, so pretty great" I smiled as I grabbed my toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

While Nick finished his shower I went downstairs and started breakfast.

"morning twin sister" G yelled from the living room couch.

"oh my gosh Jack, what are you doing here?" I asked confused

"J went out to breakfast with a girl and I decided to stop by, mostly because I'm alone but also because I miss you"

"I heard about you and Madison breaking up, I'm so sorry bud" I consoled him.

"it's okay, some people aren't meant for each other and that was us so not a big deal. I heard about you and my boy Nicholas though" G winked.

"okay stop with the winks I get those enough from him" I laughed pushing his shoulder back.

"I'm sure you do Izzy, but as a big brother it is my job to tease you like all the time" he winked again.

"first off don't call me izzy, it's gross. secondly, how do you know you're the big brother?"

"I don't for sure know I'm older but considering I have 2 other older sister, I'd like to believe I'm at least older between us" he said

"there's more of us?" I asked

"yeah, and they'd actually love to meet you by the way"

"I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet, and I'm going on tour with the boys soon so I don't know if that's gonna happen anytime soon" I said.

We went downstairs to start on breakfast before realizing Carlos had already made some for us. We ate outside taking in the view and talking about life overall. I enjoyed G's company alone but I felt like he was missing his other half without Johnson around.

"look at this handsome pair of twins" Nick said walking outside with his plate of food and taking a seat next to me.

"my boyyy" G yelled.

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now