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"okay but before you guys go to sleep I need to set some rules," I started talking as the boys gathered around the kitchen, "your rooms are on this first floor, so is the recording studio, and the bathrooms, kitchen, and theater. My room and office are upstairs along with the living room and access to outside"

The boys nodded their head in agreement.

"so with that being said, I just need you boys to respect the boundaries of privacy. please don't go snooping in my room or my office. everything else is yours to use once again with respect so don't be reckless and break everything." I continued.

The boys agreed and all went into their rooms to finish putting their things away. I showered and out on my pajamas before grabbing a cup of tea and walking outside onto the balcony.

"can I join you?" a voice stuttered from behind.

"nick, yes sure you may" i smiled

"so I just walked to talk to you about us. I know you said you'd think about it. and i didnt tell the boys anything, but I just feel like for the best of the group, we should put a pause on whatever it is we may have" he stuttered saying as he shuffled his feet with his hands in his pockets.

"I agree, but I don't think you really believe that"

"what do you mean?" he asked

"you're fiddling with your feet, and playing with your hands by stuffing them in your pockets. psychology 101: how to spot a liar" I said

"you really are smart" he laughed

"even if we don't really believe what we're saying, I think we should try for the be-"

"best of the group" nick finished my sentence.

He opened his arms for a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close and tight. His hug made me feel as if we were the only ones in the entire world with fireworks flaring from all angles.

Eventually we let go and Nick went back downstairs to his room. I went to the living room to watch tv as I heard footsteps coming up. I turned around and saw Austin.

"hey you, whats up" i said.

"nothing much, I just put all my stuff away and thought I'd hang with you" he said.

"you're cute" I laughed

"I try to be" he said, plopping himself down on the couch next to me.

We had South Park playing on tv as Austin and I began to talk about country life. We compared stories of when I lived in Kentucky and he lived in North Carolina.

"why'd you live in Kentucky?" Austin asked me.

"my dad moved around a lot when I was a kid so I've been everywhere at this point" I laughed.

Austin moved his body over to lay his head on my lap.

"see I like you, I don't know why the boys are having such a hard time accepting you" he said.

"yea I know, but it's okay because I'm just here to get you guys started then I'm out" I laughed as I began to stroke his long blonde hair.

"but i don't want you to leave. I looked you up and you're like legit the shit"

"you looked me up?" I asked stunned

"oh yea, you were a certified genius by the age of 5, starting college at like 10, and then you started music production at like 13, then opened up that dance studio, girl you're legit" he snapped his fingers

"do the boys know?" I asked

"just nick" austin answered

"what do you mean, just nick? how does nick know?" I said nervously

"because you told him? didn't you? that's what he told us yesterday after he came back from your solo meeting"

"right, I did tell him. hey im feeling a bit tired im gonna go to sleep" I said standing up from the couch.

"oh do you want me to go downstairs?" he asked shyly

"no don't worry about it, stay here as late as you want, it's your home now too"

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now