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isabellas p.o.v

~next day~
I scheduled the boys to a dance rehearsal this morning to get a feel for the level of dance that they're at before starting music.

"good morning beautiful lady" austin greeted me as the boys all walked it.

"morning boys" I smiled.

I explained my process to the boys before playing some music and letting them freestyle. Then i stepped in a choreographed a few counts to see the group dynamic. Nick was a total natural, Zion had moves, Brandon and Edwin were total goofballs and Austin was simply adorable.

"that was awesome" I laughed as the music ended.

"aren't I just awesomeeeee" zion said still trying to catch his breath.

"do you have water my any chance, I think I forgot mine and I'm dyinggggg" edwin complained.

"actually I have an entire lunch ready at my apartment if you guys want to eat some food. then i can work in a couple of solo meeting with you guys" I said

Their eyes lit up with the mention of food, as they grabbed their bags and ran out the door. We walked the two blocks over to the apartment before the boys started munching on the food.

"so Isabella, we we're talking yesterday when we got back to the motel room and it's not that we don't trust you with our careers, butttt-" edwin began

"what qualifications do you have to be managing us?" brandon finished.

"yo, wtf b? totally not cool" nick said

"yea, cmon you haven't even gotten to know her" austin added.

"it's fine, I get that I didn't really get to introduce myself for much yesterday. umm i have a degree in Music Production if that makes you feel better" I said

"see, she's qualified" zion laughed.

"i've also worked with artist like justin bieber, diddy, drake, beyoncé, and ariana grande but that was just small stuff" I added.

"and yo dumbass said she wasn't qualified" zion said to brandon as he continued to laugh.

I looked towards nick and saw a smirk appear across his face. I smiled back and finished eating my food along with the boys. Soon after we were done I had my meeting with Austin, then Zion.

"okay so tomorrow I'll have my solo with brandon and edwin, so if you guys don't have anymore questions you're done for today." i told the boys as they sat down in the living room.

"no, please your couch, it's so comfyyyyy" austin moaned.

"I mean I wasn't kicking you guys out, I just didn't think you'd want to stay here" I responded.

"are you kidding me? That motel is so gross and we're over being there already." zion groaned.

"is it really that bad?" I asked

"I can't sleep with Austin one more night, I'm sorry but you kill me dude" nick complained while trying his best to be sincere.

"I mean, I don't know if you guys are comfortable with it but I have 5 empty rooms downstairs" I said

"are you asking us to move in with you?" edwin asked

"I mean they're empty..." I whispered

"fuck yeaaaaaaaa" zion screamed as he ran to give me a hug.

Soon the all 5 boys were hugging me, leaving me almost breathless. We decided to go pick up their stuff from the motel that night and get them settled in.

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