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the crowd went crazy over the kiss. i wanted to run away and cry, but this wasn't about me. it was about everyone, it was about my new found family.

"smile, you're supposed to be playing a part" shawn whispered wrapping his arms around my waist.

my expression didn't change. i was hella pissed. the publicist dragged us to another interview, shawn answering most of the question as i tried to control the bitch face written all over me.

"so isabella, we're a little confused on your relationship status. you were with nicholas mara from the boy band prettymuch for a very long time and now we see you here with the one and only shawn mendes. what do you want to say to anyone that's confused out there?" an interviewer asked.

"i'm dating nicholas carter mara, and as for what anyone thinks i really don't care" i laugh, "but shawn... shawn is great and any girl would be lucky to have him, unfortunately for him it's not me and it won't be like ever"

"what are you doing? you're fucking it up for your boyband projects" shawn whispered pulling me closer to him.

"do what you have to do, but i'm done here." i pull away before running back towards the limo.

i could see it already on the front page news. Isabella Marie leaves Shawn Mendes stranded alone at the MET GALA. oh gosh, but fuck it. i was gonna find a way to minimize the damage Shawn would cause with his comments about prettymuch and jack&jack.
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isabella.marie better than any met gala ❤️
tagged: therealnickmara
user1 wasn't she just kissing shawn???
user2 my parents are literally the cutest couple ever 😻
therealnickmara i love you more than anything in the world ❤️
user3 the ship is so far out that it has no chance of coming the fuck back
prettymuch thankful for bella 😋
i got home after leaving the gala to a quiet house. all the boys were in their rooms sleeping already. i ran to nicks room to wake him up.

"baby, wake up" i whisper, repeatedly kissing his cheek.

he groaned turning over. i couldn't help but laugh at his dramatic ass for the way he slept. since day one this kid had me laughing and that's honestly more than i could ever ask for.

"nicholas, im home" i repeat.

"i'm sleepy" he finally said

"do you wanna come sleep upstairs with me?"

his body immediately got up and dragged me up to my room throwing ourself on my bed. i let nick drift off to sleep before getting up and taking my makeup off and slipping into a long old shirt. i kissed nick on the lips one last time before turning over and falling sleep.

*beep beep beep*
the alarm buzzed scaring me out of my sleep the following morning.

"babe turn it off" nick complained

"you have to get up"

"nope i quit the band, turn it off" he teased

"nicholas carter mara, get up and go get ready"

"you're lucky you're my girlfriend, because my manager could never get me out of bed just like that" he said making me laugh.

he left my room making me also get up and get ready for the day. the band had a radio interview with Zach Sang, while i had to take care of the weeks to come for all clients. a knock beat on my door before i yelled to let them come in.  

"hey bella, how was the gala last night?" austin entered, plopping himself on my bed.

"shawn kissed me in front of everyone" i admitted.

"no fucking way, have you told you know who?"

"no, nick was sleeping when i came i and i didn't want to ruin his sleep to make him mad" i confess to the brown haired boy.

"well you might wanna tell him before we get the questions on the radio interview today" austin rose his eyebrows.

i breathed a sigh of worry realizing that aussie was right. if i didn't tell nick, he'd find out through a worse outlet. i finished pulling my hair into a tight bun before heading downstairs to nick's room.

"hey baby what's good" nick greeted me

"nick, we need to talk about last night"

"what about last night? did i snore too loud or what?" he questioned.

"no baby, it's not about you. it's about shawn" i confessed.

i sat him down on his bed, holding his hands in mine and explaining everything. i started with the kiss and moved on to the running away. a small rage of anger ran across his eyes before a stream of calmness. it surprised me considering all the bullshit shawn has pulled previously. i guess nick was more immune to it at this point than anything.

"so what, is he going to out us now and say you only signed us because we fucked or what's the deal?" nick said

"baby, is that what you're thinking about after everything i told you?"

"well i know you don't have feelings for him, i don't have to worry about you, i just need to know if i should kick his ass for the bullshit he's going to be saying" he stated

"i love you so much you know that mara"

"i love you too, now if you don't kind i need to get to an interview before my manager yells at me for being late. she's soooo annoying" nick dragged his words

"wait, i'm your manager" i realized with confusion.

"i know" he winked before heading out with the rest of the boys.
i'm literally the worst writer in the world i am so sorry for not updating. i didn't know in what direction i wanted this story to go but now i think i do and it's gonna be lots of fun!!!! if you like this book be sure to let me know.

also any suggestion are welcome, just leave them in the notes, much love ❤️

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