thirty five

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i woke up the next morning with music blaring from downstairs. i got out of bed, stepping over the clothes i had thrown on the floor the previous night, brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

"i told you fuckers to keep the music down before you wake up bella" nick complained to the other four boys dancing in the kitchen to a Kendrick Lamar song.

"too late" i yawned coming down.

all 5 boys charged at me, burying me into a huge bear hug, leaving me gasping for air.

"sorry bella, you've been gone for too long" edwin laughed,  being the first to let go.

"yeah we hardly see you anymore" austin said.

"at least you're home now" nick wrapped his arms around me giving me a kiss on my forehead.

i pulled away and turned to face him along with the rest of the boys, to break the bad news.

"actually, i'm going on tour with kehlani. my dad signed a contract and i don't think i can get out of it. i'll be gone for 3 months before leaving to Europe for another 2"

the room went silent, faxes dropped. i sweat it felt like the world had suddenly stopped turning.

"well technically good news, you're finally doing music the way you deserve to be doing it" brandon admitted.

"what's gonna happen to us? don't we need like an active manager. no offense bella" zion continued.

"guys we'll be fine, i'm sure they already have someone for us. it's temporary anyways, not like bella isn't coming back" edwin tried to ease the tension.

"babe, say something" i finally said looking at the emotionless boyfriend that stood in front of me.

"what's gonna happen with us?"

"well my dad got another manager for you guys and i'm sure you'll like him, he's coo—"

"what's gonna happen in our relationship bella" he yelled, cutting me off.

the other boys looked away before politely excusing themselves from the conversation.

"nicholas please don't do this"

"don't do what? you're the one who said you didn't wanna do music for real. you're the one who promised you'd dedicated your life to us. you lied and now you're not just hurting the band, you're hurting our relationship. you're leaving for an entire 5 months, not including all the time you're going to be gone for rehearsal and shit. fuck bella why" nick ranted with tears beginning to fall from his eyes.

"i didn't choose to go on tour, how can you even blame me like i'm trying to get away from you?" 

"you've been so differently lately with this whole collab shit that maybe you do want to get away. maybe you're done with us and you're just seeing this as a way out"  he continued

"i can't believe you would even say that, i love you guys more than anything! i love you more than anything nick, why can't you see that?"  i began to raise my voice.

"i'm over this. have fun with kehlani."

"what do you mean you're over this?" i rolled my eyes beginning to get annoyed.

"i mean we're done. i'm moving out of here tonight. i can't keep living without you every other month and whenever you can. i'm done being option B to you isabella"

my mouth opened in complete shock, as tears began to fall from my cheek. my head shook in denial as it watched the italian love of her life walk into his room slamming the door to hide his face. 

10 minutes had passed and i was still trying to process what had just happened downstairs. there had to be something behind his logic. i had gone to the rooftop and dipped my feet in the pool to sit with my thoughts. another body soon came to sit next to me.

"so i'm gonna take nick over to some homies house for the night while he cools down" zion said while dropping his feet into the water.

"i don't know what i did Z"  i broke, leaning my head into his shoulder.

"i know, we don't either. but that's our brother and we gotta stick by him through his stupidity. Lord knows they've stuck by mine" he laughed

"promise you'll take care of him when i'm gone" i asked.

"promise B"
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"promise B" _______________________________                            NEW POST

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isabella.marie thank you goof balls for being the bestest of friends i could possible have. you've all taught me something these last couple of months that i will carry with me for a long as i go. my new journey awaits, and i will never forget the memories we've created ❤️ i'll always love you N.
-prettymuch will always keep you in our hearts ♥️
-user1 why is she dropping pm???
-bradon_arreaga couldn't be more prouder of you bella
-zionkuwonu i taught you how to eat a whole box of pizza by yourself and i hope you never forget 🤘🏽
-theaustinporter love you best friend!!!
-user2 why hasn't nick commented or liked???
-kehlani excited to have you come along this summer babygirl 💗
-edwinhonoret ^take care of our girl please
-user3 she got the kehlani opener????

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