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we landed in LAX after the two week break. The other boys were coming in at separate times so nick and I made our way to baggage claim, running into fans like always and finally getting into our uber to go home.

"i missed home" i sighed

"me too" nick agreed.

we arrived and headed up. as soon as i got up to my room i knocked out alone on my bed, tired from the long flight.

i woke up two hours later to arguing coming from downstairs in the kitchen. my door slammed open by austin dragging me downstairs without question.

"you gotta come, you have to come bella. they're arguing and they won't stop, bella help" he screamed rapidly.

"who is arguing austin?" i asked confused out of my mind.

there in the middle of the drama was Shawn and Nick, face to face, yelling at each other.

"yo, what the fuck is going on here? what are you doing here shawn?" i yelled over the yelling

"that's what i've been fucking asking this stupid canadian barbie" nick said

"watch your tone, you don't even know who you're fucking with! i came here to talk to bella not you asshole" shawn said back pointing in nick's face.

"we don't have anything to talk about shawn. your career with me is over therefore i need to ask you to leave now" i responded pushing the two boys apart towards opposite walls.

"you heard the woman, leave princess" nick laughed.

"fuck you" shawn burst.

"no fuck you" nick said.

the boys charged at each other and began to throw punches. austin pulled me back and away from the boys while brandon, zion, and edwin tried to pull the other two apart.

"YOU, GO, NOW" i pointed at shawn, who was being held back brandon and ed.

"bella, please don't" shawn begged

i turned away towards nick who was under zion's arms on the floor.

"your face is fucking bleeding, why would you fucking throw a punch" i questioned the boy bleeding from his upper brow and lip.

the boys threw shawn out the door and rushed into the bathroom where i sat was cleaning nicks face with rubbing alcohol and vaseline.

"you're such a dumbass" i say repeatedly

"i know b, you don't have to keep saying it" nick says

"ayy bro, but did you see his face when you called him a canadian barbie" zion laughed

"don't egg his stupidity on" i say causing the boys to laugh in unison.

"what's your story gonna be when fans ask what happened to your face?" brandon asked

"bella got mad and punched me" nick laughed

"bella got mad and punched me" nick laughed  _______________________________                              NEW POST

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*** likes | *** comments
shawnmendes you should see the other guy. btw, she likes it when you go down on her 😉
user1 i wish he'd go down on me wtf bro...
user2 he still looks hella sexyyy 🤤
therealnickmara let me know if you want round 2 bro i'm not scared of your bitchass
user3 is this seriously about that girl? how mature 🙃
user4 oh boy, here come the pm stans to rant on a page that isn't theirs 🙄

i laid with nick on the couch in the living room scrolling through instagram reading the comments on shawn's picture.

"that comment was uncalled for nicholas" i said shoving my phone in his face.

"did you not see his comment babe? that's disrespectful! what am i supposed to do?" he questions angrily

"let me deal with it, that's literally my job!"

"whatever, i'm gonna go to bed now" he says getting up and leaving me alone.


isabella ❤️
wtf was with your caption?
totally uncalled for and

shawn mendes
well, it definitely got your
attention babe 😉

isabella ❤️
whatever you think this
is, it's not. you will not
win this fight you think
we have going on. i will never
be yours again. i win, you lose.

shawn mendes
once again, i think your dad
had more say in this than you
do princess. or you can make
things real simple for me
and just come back

isabella ❤️
yeah, that's a big no... AGAIN
you swear my dad scares me.

shawn mendes
question, does the world know
you only signed jack&jack
because G is related to you?
and that you signed the
band because nick had sex with you?

isabella ❤️
that's not true. neither of it is
true mendes and you know that!

shawn mendes
hmm, not what the world
would think if it came out...
anyways met gala on friday,
be my date or i'll make sure
your dad thinks that's what
happened okay? awesome
goodnight love ❤️

my heart ached. how did this situation get worse. i WAS control. i HAD the upper hand in the situation. now i'd lost it all. i could tell my dad that shawn was blackmailing me, but he loved shawn. he would never discredit the boy. i was going to have no other option. i couldn't risk either boy group being subject to questions about their contract because of me. they're both way too talented for this bullshit.

i walked to my room and laid alone, looking outside my window. what i would do to be on nicks rooftop looking at the stars right now. i wanted to scream. i wanted to cry. but i couldn't. i didn't want anyone knowing what was wrong. it was for their good i couldn't say anything....

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