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"okay so I'll be scheduling you guys to come into my office at Sony so we can talk about personal goals you may have" I said as I stood up and walked the boys out.

"actually can I have mine now, it's just that it's all in my head now and umm I don't want it to leave" nick stuttered.

"umm sure we can do that" I agreed.

The rest of the boys left and I walked back to my office with nick.

"okay you didn't mention this last night when you told me all about yourself" nick began rambling, "you said your dad was important and you had an internship at the entrainment company, you didn't say you called the shots and managed music careers"

"excuse me but why is this my fault? you didn't exactly tell me you were in a boy band and that's why you moved to LA" i yelled back.

"i'm sorry, I'm not mad.. I just... i don't know what to do. B, last night was the best night I've had in a while. I didn't have to be this kid everyone wants me to be... I was just being me with you, and you liked me for that" nick said

"and I was trying to be normal too okay. listen the boys don't have to know about last night, we'll pretend like it never happened." I suggested

"but I actually like you... how am I supposed to just drop it?" nick asked

I shrugged my shoulders. I had never dated anyone because they were always intimated of my intelligence or they just couldn't handle my busy schedule. Now that I had found the perfect boy, I couldn't date him...

"can I have a day to gather my thoughts before we decide what we are or what we're not?" I said.

"sure, I'll see you tomorrow at rehearsals" nick uttered as he walked out.

"UGHHHH, I HATE MY LIFEEEEE" I yelled, banging my head on my desk.

"ouch, don't hurt yourself" Sarah laughed as she walked in.

"what am I going to do with him?" I asked her.

"well you like the kid, give him a chance"

"but I'm managing him, he works for me basically. isn't that sort of weird? like what is everyone going to say? I only signed him because I'm banging him???" i rambled

"who cares what everyone thinks, do something for yourself this time" sarah suggested.

nicks p.o.v

I left Isabella's home and headed home to meet the boys at the motel.

"look who's finally back" zion greeted me as I walked in.

"dude, don't you think the girls a little young to be a manager?" brandon asked me.

"who cares she's hot!" zion added.

"she's 18, not that young. she already has a college degree and everything" I said annoyed.

"woah, chill we're just talking why you so mad?" edwin asked

"im not mad, but the girl did just give us our deal. if you talk to her and get to know her she's really interesting" I said before storming off into the shower.

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now