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I woke up earlier than usual and took a run around my neighborhood to clear my head. I played the new album the boys had finished a couple days ago. A simple EP, but it was really good.

nicholas ❤️:
hey, are you gone for the day already?
bella 😍:
no just on a run. should be home soon.
nicholas ❤️:
okay, you want french toast? we're cooking ☺️
bella 😍:
only if edwin is making them lol, thanks nick

I walked into the house to see all 5 boys dancing to salsa music. Obviously Edwin has put the music on, because no one else would have picked it.

"bella, please help me show these boys how to salsa because they can't dance to save their lives right now" edwin rolled his eyes.

I laughed at his comment, but grabbed Brandon's hand dragging him to an open area in the kitchen.

"okay think fast, but sharp and dramatic" I said placing his right hand on my waist holding his left hand in mine.

I began to lead and be followed in my steps, gaining yelling teases from the rest of the boys.

"chow bella!" zion laughed pulling Brandon away and stepping in his spot.

"oh my gosh you suck so much Z" I said as he stepped on my feet for the third time.

"well you're going too fast" z complained

"alright well I gotta go shower I'll be back" I ran upstairs still sweaty from my run.

After my shower I changed into my clothes for the day, brushes my hair, and began to put on my makeup. There was a small knock on my door as I grabbed my foundation. I went to open the door and saw austin.

"what's up boo" I laughed

"where are you going to be today?" he asked

"probably the office for special stuff"

"well can you stop by the dance studio first, we have something to show you" Austin said.

"sure, I can do that" I hesitated

"thanks I'll see you there" he said leaving my doorway

"wait you guys are leaving already?"

"yea we gotta go rehearse before you get there, but nick made you a plate of food and left it on the table" Austin smiled before disappearing downstairs.

I put on light makeup and went downstairs to see the plate of food they had left for me. I picked up the plate to reveal a piece of paper folded up. another note... lowkey these notes were starting to melt my heart.

where ever you are I will always be on my way to pick you up and take you back home with me where you belong ❤️ -N

Fuck emotions. Even the happy ones that made me want to run into his arms and be complete. I finished eating and grabbed my bag to leave. I walked into the dance studio and went up the the 4th floor, where the boys liked to practice.

I stood in the distance to them dancing to a song I had never heard before.

"hello again" I said finally walking into the room.

"shut the music off" Brandon told Austin.

"okay so we wrote a song, well brandon and nick did and we wanna know how the chances of it being added to the EP" edwin continued

"well I want to hear it before we add it to the EP and tour set list" I said realizing I hadn't told them about your yet.

"TOUR?" Austin yelled.
"SET LIST?" Zion jumped.

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now