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I stood in shook for about 5 minutes trying to gather my thoughts. Jack stood in front of me saying nothing as he could see the emotion on my face.

"I tried to contact your father, but he kept telling me to leave you alone" jack whispered

I stayed silent. My dad knew and he hadn't told me. ughh he was making it so hard to love him at this moment.

"look I know you don't owe me anything, but since I found out about you I've been wanting to get to know you and just hang out" jack continued.

"do you want to go to a dinner with me tonight?" I asked, finally snapping out of my thoughts.

"oh, sure.. tonight???" jack asked.

"yea leaving right now actually. your friend can come too"

"I'm down, I am hella hungry" the other jack added.

I texted the boys and let them know I was leaving.

going over to my dads for dinner
you guys are free to leave whenever
you're done. see ya @ home ❤️

nicholas 💗:
thanks for my goodbye kiss 🙄

zion 👽:
you a straight up headass bro 💀

aust 👧🏼:
yo I want some food too tho

b 🐝 :
you fools can get food when
you stop fuckin up 🐸☕️

oh no B is on a rage 😭😭😭


We arrived at my dad's house around 7:10pm and I unlocked the door with my own key.

"DAD, i'm here" I yelled into the lonely house.

"hi sweetheart, your dad isn't here right now" his assistant, Nia said walking into the living room.

"but we were supposed to meet for dinner"

"oh yes, we have food for you... and your friends I suppose but your father went out with his girlfriend tonight"

I rolled my eyes at that comment, but led the boys to the kitchen. Through the knowledge I had contained, I had come to the conclusion that my dad was going through a mid life crisis and dating women 15 years younger than him made him feel younger. These girlfriends came at the cost of my relationship with him though.

inoming call from dad 👨🏻

me: what
dad: that's how you answer the phone now?
me: well when you invite me over for dinner and then don't show up at YOUR OWN house, I think you can understand why I'm upset dad
dad: bella im sorry, chelsea wanted to go out to eat.
me: well you could of told me so I didn't drive over here for no reason
dad: b, just stay the night there. I'll be home in a couple of hours and then we can talk.
me: sorry dad i brought company with me and I don't think they'd want to stay the night
dad: you brought all 5 boys over the house???
me: no actually, i just brought 2 new friends. I think you know him actually, his name is Jack.
dad: i don't know any "jack" bella
me: oh you're right dad, he's actually my BROTHER right?
dad: i told that boy I didn't want him to tell you anything
me: are you kidding me??? how could you keep this from me dad?
dad: bella im trying to do what's best for you and those people didn't want you
me: and what fault does he have that i was given up? you know what I think were done here dad thanks for the dinner. I'll see you in another 5 months bye.

i hung up the phone and turned to the boys who had stopped eating and were listening in on my conversation.

"can I help you?" i asked annoyed

"nope" they said in unison as they turned to continue eating their food.

"so what do you guys even do?" I asked curiously

" me and jack make music" the blonde one said.

great, more musicians. could they just have normal teen jobs like work at a fast food joint or retail jobs. I guess I had to remember I did live in LA where everyone is either a singer or model.

"yes currently trying to get signed to Sony actually" my twin added.

"yea we met with Simon Cowell a couple of weeks ago" J continued.

"okay, listen I'd love to get to know you but it's definitely going to take some time. I can't just bond with you instantly like we're known each other forever" i said

"I understand and I'm not asking you too, I just felt the need to meet you"

"hey what don't you come over to your crib tomorrow? we're having a small party so it'll be fun ya know" j added.

"umm, can I bring some people with me?" I asked

"yea for sure bring all your girlfriends" j giggled

"actually more like boyfriends" I laughed

"wow girl you a player" jack said stunned

"she sure is damn girl, but yea bring them all"

I drove the boys back to the dance studio before heading home. When I walked in the apartment, I saw pizza boxes on the counter with a note on top as it read "we left some pizza for our favorite lady ❤️ -aust". I walked upstairs and saw nick fallen asleep on the couch with the tv on. I turned off the television and covered him with a blanket before giving him a kiss goodnight.

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now