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After dealing with Micheal's nervous breakdown about the upcoming performance he has with Chris Brown at the music awards, I took a peak inside of the Hip Hop class to find Nick.

I sat in the corner as Jazz and Connor wrapped up their class, scanning the room when I made eye contact with Nick as he gave me a smirk with his beautiful face. He walked over and sat on the floor with me.

"you like my moves or what?" he winked

"i didn't get to see them honestly" i replied

"well I guess I gotta take you out sometime to show you right" he said as he turned to face me.

"are you always this flirty with girls, or am I the exception?" I teased him.

He gave me a smile before getting up and walking to pick up his stuff from across the room. I stood up and began to walk out the door. I felt an arm around my waist and pull me back inside the studio.

"woah, I thought I was gonna show you my moves right now?" Nick smirked.

I laughed, " boy you couldn't impress me if you tried".

"okay let's go cmon, you against me"

"let's go upstairs the have studios open for private lessons," I suggested.

Nick agreed and we spent over 3 hours dancing to every genre of music on my playlist.

"okay but let me just tell you, I have never danced to country in my life and that was probably the last time I'll ever do so" nick said as he slammed onto the floor.

"you're such a wimp, just because you can't keep up" I laughed.

"this dance studio is teaching y'all some weird ass shit" he said continuing to gasp for air.

" i run a fine establishment based off of morals and dedication" I muttered.

"yea, I guess it would be awesome to own a dance studio of your own right? Where you could teach kiddos your passion and pave the way for their future" nick rambled.

I realized he hadn't taken me seriously and thought I was joking about owning this entire dance studio. I went along with it because deep down inside of me, it was nice to feel like a normal teen who hadn't already done so much and I still had the future to looked forward too.

"so do you wanna go?" nick said

"go where?"

"well thanks for listening haha, but to go get pizza. I'm starving!!!!" he groaned.

"umm yea sure let me just find my sweater somewhere downstairs."

"no worries, wear mine" he smiled as he handed me a black sweater from his bag.

After we finished eating pizza, I began to feel tired and suggested I we go back to my home.

"hey this is really close to the dance studio isn't it???" nick asked as we arrived.

"yea it's easier for me to be close just in case anything happens and they need me" I said realizing I had given myself up.

"why would they need you around? wait do you like work there?? that's how you knew where the classes were and stuff? that's super dope" nick rambled

"yea sure" I replied and I sighed a breath of relief.

"so this might be weird since we've been together the entire night but you never actually told me your name..." nick giggled

"whoops, I guess I didn't now did I" I laughed, "my name is Isabela, but everyone calls me B."

"i have a friend named B, well his name is Brandon but we just call him B" nick replied.

"well that's cool... I think???"

"yeah, but your definitely the cuter B" he winked.

"you're such a flirt" I laughed as I pushed his shoulder back.


When we got inside my apartment, I showed Nick around. He had the same reaction as the other few people I've brought into my apartment. Between the 5 empty rooms, the full functioning recording studio, rooftop swimming pool, and theater room, everyone thought it was the most amazing place in the world. I had never brought a guy into my apartment, especially one I had just met, but something with Nicholas Mara felt different....

"how do you afford this place in LA???" Nick yelled

" i've done well for myself I suppose" I laughed as I shrugged my shoulders.

"so which one is your room?" he asked.

"it's upstairs"

"THERES AN UPSTAIRS???" he yelled as he ran looking for stairs.

I followed him up as he walked thru the floor looking into the my room, then the office, and take a step outside.

"yo, this please is beautiful honestly. why do you have so much space though? does anyone else live her?" he asked.

"nope just me... my dad got me this place just because it's close to the dance studio and the music company" I explained.

"oh so you sing and dance???" he teased.

"me? oh no! i mean i do but not really for anyone but myself" i blushed

"looks like you might need to sing to me so I can be the judge of how good you are, I'll even sing for you after"

"ohhhhh, so you sing and dance???" i said, mocking him.

"im trying" he laughed and he reached to grab my hands in his.

He pulled me close and brushed my hair back behind my ear and slowly leaned in before kissing me slowly on my lips. It was the most unreal experience I had had in all 18 years of my life.

"so tell me, who is Isabella Marie?" nick whispered.

"ummm, long story... way too long"

"no way, I want to hear so cmon sit down. tell me please" he begged.

We sat down and I started from the beginning. I explained how I was given up for adoption two weeks after I was born, before going home with my adoptive father and mother. A year after I was adopted, my mother passed away leaving me and my father on our own. At the age of two I was speaking at the rate of a 6 year old and reading beginner books. My dad realized I was special and I was admitted into a facility where my brain was studied for about 3 years before being taken out by my dad because he felt as if I was loosing the opportunity of being a child. I continued my studies and continued to excel past of classmates. After the whole high school and college thing, I started working for my dad in the entertainment industry.

"wait so you're like super smart??" nick asked

"i retain information well," i laughed, "so you can tell me or show me how to do something and I'll be able to do it from then on. That's why dance is easy for me to understand " i explained.

"that's crazy...."

After Nick told me about his upbringing in New Jersey and then moving into the eye of the media in his dance crew when he was younger up to now of his life. Before we knew it nick and I were sound asleep on my couch cuddled together....

Boys, Boys, Boys | Nick MaraWhere stories live. Discover now