Chaper 2

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I run into the office and slam the door shut, Terah is still sitting on the bed.

"Um... Well there are two things wrong with this scene," she starts, " one I was just about to run to the bathroom to give your towel that you left here, two that isn't your towel."

I tell her what happened while rummaging through the small amount of clothes we share, for an outfit that matches.

She laughs so hard that she cries,"Nova, you're gonna have to get those clothes that you left in the bathrooms."

"Yeah, I know, just save me a seat at dinner, alright," I reply as my stomach rumbles, and she nods.

I pick up Dom's towels and walk to the bathroom. That's strange, no-one is here Dom must've left already. Surely someone would be in here, I make my way over to my pile of clothes and dump Dom's towel on the floor. Just as I'm walking out I hear a silent thump coming from one of the toilets. Curiosity overcomes me and I inch my way towards the stall.

"Hello?" I say quietly.

I push on the stall door and see a little girl sitting down on the floor. Something is wrong with her though, her eyes are completely white and blood is dripping out them. Her arm has boils all over it, the same with both her legs.

"Hey, sweetie are you okay?" I say calmly even though her appearance is completely off putting.

She stands up and walks over to me, then she jumps screaming and begins to attack me. I kick her legs hard and I hear I crack, she hits the ground hard smacking her head. I think she's dead, but she slides across the ground towards me and starts gnawing on one of my boots, I scream, no one could have survived that. I kick her in the face and run out the bathroom to find James. Lucky for me he is down at the cafeteria with everyone else.

"James! There is a girl in the bathroom who attacked me!" I yell and he jumps up and walks over to me.

"Did she hurt you?" He asks.

"No, but I think I broke her legs!" I say nearly hyperventilating.

James runs to the bathrooms and I follow him. He open the door and looks around the room.

"What the hell is that!?" He says shocked.

I run into the room with him. The once white tiles are covered in a black substance, I follow the black goop trail down to the back of the bathrooms and see it go up the wall and out the shattered window. At the top of the window is a leg, the girl must be dangling out the window.

"James she's dangling out the window!" I yell and he runs over.

"Move, I'll pull her back in," he saw reaching up and grabbing her leg and pulling.

He falls backwards onto the tiles holding the leg of the girl, only the girl wasn't attached to it," HOLY CRAP!" I scream and once he notices what I'm talking about he yells a string of colourful words and lets go of it.

"Nova! Go get one of the Elders!" He yells and I don't hesitate to run out the bathrooms and find one of the Elders.

The Elders are the leaders in the group, they are also the oldest, and 'wisest' so maybe they know what the hell is going on. I spin around the corner near my offices and see Terah walking in the door, I grab her arm forcing her to jog with me.

"What the 'ecks goin' on?" She yelps, I tell her the story as we run to the Elders living quarters.

"Oh my gosh," is all Terah can manage when I finish telling her the story.

"I know... Where are the Elders?" I say looking around their living quarters.

"I dunno, maybe they are still down at the cafeteria," she says looking around.

I drag her along as I run to the cafeteria. When we arrive no one is there but is looks as if the whole place had be ransacked.

"What the 'el? It looks like a cyclone came though 'ere," Terah says pulling herself away from me and wondering around the room.

"Hello?" I yell.

"Where is everyone?" She asks and I shrug.

"Come on, lets go back to James and tell him we can't find anyone," I say and we both jog out the room.

We walk through the bathroom doors and James isn't there, but the leg is, maybe he got sick of waiting.

"Crap!" Terah says looking at the leg and the black goop.

"I know right..." I stop halfway through my sentence when I my eye catches on a red splash on the door and the floor.

"Terah..." I say quietly.

"Yeah?" She asks and I point to the door.

She walks over to it and notices the silver chain dangling off the doorknob, the chain necklace that James wears. She sprints away from the door over to me and grabs my hand.

"What the 'el is goin' on!?" She cries.

Ignoring her I say," let's check the rest of the complex, grab some surplies and leave."

She nods and we search every room but find no one.

Hey how was chapter 2

Please comment on how I can make my book better

Spoiler alert, things get intense and Nova has to make a decision that will turn her world upside down.

Freyjaxoxo <3

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