Chapter 21

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Skyler and Terah's hug ends quickly after Terah said holy fudge, she pulled away and glared at the woman. What the hell is wrong with her!? If I ever met my parents it would be amazing... If I could remember them... If they were alive.

"My mother is dead," she states angrily.

"No I'm not, I'm right here with you!" Shariah says happily.

"Well your dead to me," she says, walking over to me.

Skyler looks utterly shocked and asks with a shaking voice, "W-what...did you say?"

"What kinda person leaves a three year old child at some random camp, then leaves her there! I waited for you and dad to come back... But you didn't. I thought you had died my whole life since that day, and here you are now. I was underfed and abused and neglected until Nova started looking after me, she is my only family and certainly not you!" She yells and I pull her into a hug in an attempt to calm her down, she starts to cry.

I look at the crowd who were all shifting uncomfortably around watching us. No one said anything for a good five minutes, it was a very long awkward silence.

"Well... I can see why you are upset," Skyler says, almost emotionless.

"Of corse I am! Why would ya do that!?" Terah yells.

"We had to help the scientists 'at were workin' on the 'world cure' and we 'ad no time to look after an emotionally broken child 'specially after the boat crash on the coast," she stated bluntly.

"E-emotionally b-broken," Terah stutters.

Skyler ignores her comment and addresses Tate and I," Now, let's show you all to ya rooms, Nova you can share a room with my... Terah, Reece you can share a room with Lincoln, follow me," she says to us, then to the crowd," you will 'ave time to meet 'em later! Now run along you all 'ave jobs to do."

After I climb back onto Reece's back we are led down a corridor marked 'Sleeping Quarters' on a rusty metal panel, every door down the hallway has a number written on it is huge black letters. The walls were all covered in peeling, once white now yellow, paint the floor and the roof is concrete with the random scuff mark even on the ceiling, it makes me wonder what idiot was walking on the ceiling. Wow, stupid thought. Skyler is talking about getting me something called a crutches so that Reece doesn't have to carry me anymore, I can feel him sigh in relief. I don't know, I like getting piggybacked as long as Reece is annoyed I'm happy.

"Nova, this is your room, Reece your across the hall, if you need anything just ask Lincoln, there should be clothes and stuff in your rooms already, I must be leaving I have matters to attend to, Lee make sure you look after them and get them to dinner on time, goodbye Nova, Tate, Lincoln," she says looking directly at Terah while saying this then walks away.

About five minutes later a older looking man comes up to me and gives me these two wooden stick type things and shows me how to use them, so these were crutches! It takes a few minutes for me to get the hang of it and when I do them man shakes my hand and thanks me for some reason, then leaves. Our room number is 27, I hold Terah's hand with one of my hands and open the door to our room with the other. I look into it, the room looks similar to the hallway with peeling paint and concrete floors, the only exception is the big mattress and cupboard, otherwise it's completely empty, and no windows because we are underground.

"Later girls," Lee says winking at me, ugh what a creep, he is attractive but soooo not my type.

Reece gives me an awkward smile and turns to open the door to his room, I remember the one big mattress and wonder if they have the exact same, if so they will have to sleep in the same bed as each other, muhahaha. I am correct, it's exactly the same as our room except his room has dirty clothes dumped in one corner of the room and pictures on the wall.

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