Chapter 25

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I can't do it, I can't tell her, if I do I'll break her heart, if I don't I'll break her heart, I just can't do it. We lie with each other in silence for an hour before she gets up and asks if I want breakfast, I say no. She says she wants some and will be back in a bit, she leaves me sitting on the bed not knowing what to do. I look around the room and see the book that Lincoln is reading, I pick it up and rip out one of the blank back pages, beside the book is a pencil. If I can't tell her in person, I'll write her a letter. I pour my heart and soul into this letter and when I am done I shove it into my pocket, just as she walks into the room.

"Hey, how are you?" She asks.

"Okay I guess, just wish I went to breakfast," I reply, she laughs and holds out something wrapped in paper.

"I thought you might say that, I bought you back some," she says handing it to me, I unwrap it and see a bread roll with jam, yum.

"Thanks you're the best," I say and she lies onto the bed beside me as I take a massive bite it, yep it was good.

"So, you remember that girl that dragged you outta bed this morning?" She asks, turning her head towards me, her hair gets into her mouth and she spits it out muttering 'gross'.

"Yeah, she was pretty brutal, didn't even let me get dressed," I complain.

"When is that a problem? Lilac was probably following the trend you set," she says giggling, I roll my eyes out of her.

"Anyway, why do you ask?" I say finishing the bread roll and lying down beside her.

"Well she invited me to go with her to the underground lake, anyway, while I was at the buffet getting your brekkie I see her again and she's like, 'oh are you getting that for Tate?' So I say 'yeah' then she says, 'aww that's so cute you should bring him with us tomorrow' so do you want to come with us?" She says excited.

"Yeah that sounds like fun," I reply, I want to spend every moment with her.

"Yay! But you can't tell anyone it's kinda a secret...have you seen Terah at all since we left this morning?" She asks.

"No, do you want me to go check your room?" I ask her.

"Yeah, thanks,"she says and I roll of the mattress and make my way to the door.

I walk across the hallway and knock on the door, no answer, I knock again, no answer, I creak the door open and peer in. Terah and Lee are having a VERY heated make out session on the bed, and they haven't noticed me.

"Keep it PG please," I say, remembering one of the adults at my camp saying it, obviously it was a old world reference.

Terah pushes herself away from Lee before shouting, "GET OUT!"

I laugh closing the door and walking back to Nova, I flop onto the mattress and she bounces up a bit.

"I could see them through the door, you don't have to repeat," she says disgusted.

"I was not planing on it," I tell her.


We laze around all day until dinner when we finally get up and make our way to the Mess Hall. We grab our food and move to a table, Nova's new friend joins us as well, apparently her name is Annalise and she thought it was absolutely hilarious dragging me out of be eight percent nude.

"...ohh Nova once you have finished eating I need you to come somewhere with me, sorry Tate I mean Reece, only us girls okay.

"It's fine I need to have a shower and talk to Lincoln," I say.

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