Chapter 24

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A loud knock on my door awakens me from my dream about a bar of soap yelling 'let me clean you!' chasing me round and round a bathroom. Yeah I really don't know where that came from. I get off the bed, it seems that the knocking didn't wake Terah, or she's just to lazy to get up. This better not be Lee again, I swear he was drunk or had a death wish.

The knocking sounds again," I'm coming calm down!"

I open the door to a young woman wearing black jeans, red singlet and a black leather jacket, she has good style.

"Nova I need you to come with me," she says calmly but firmly.

"Just a sec, let me tell Terah where I'm-," I get cut off as she grabs my arm and starts dragging me down the hallway.

"Or just drag me away that's fine," I say sarcastically.

We go down a few corridors and down a flight of stairs all the while people where giving us strange looks. We finally reach a heavy metal door, she knocks three times then the door opens revealing a short, balding man in grey scrubs.

"Hello dear, come in, you may leave now, Annalise, thank you," the man says to her, she gives him a thumbs up and leaves.

"Nova, I am Dr. Redwood, take a seat next to Tate and I shall explain to you both what is going on," He said gesturing to the empty chair next to Reece who I had just noticed.

I also just noticed that he wasn't wearing a shirt and was in boxers looking throughly pissed.

"Hey, did you forget something?" I whisper.

"Nope, I just didn't have time before that chick dragged me at of my room and brought me here," he complains.

"Yeah, well the left side of my body is still asleep," I say rubbing my arm.

He laughs quietly then punches me in the arm, hard.

"Ouch! What the hell," I squeal.

"I though your left side was asleep," he say raising an eyebrow at me.

"At least I'm wearing more then boxers," I say mimicking his face.

He rolls his eyes and the Doctor guy sits down at the desk in front of us.

He studies us for a while before speaking, "we tested Nova's blood/ drug on a rabbit with a tumour, the rabbit has made a full recovery with no tumour, it works. We would now like to treat Tate with the it."

That was seriously what he dragged us out of bed for! Reece obviously feels the same anger as me and says,"this couldn't have waited until I was wearing clothes?"

"Oh, sorry, Annalise will find you both in a hour, go get dressed and ready, both of you," he say, then standing he ushers us out of the room.

I stand at the door for a few seconds processing everything, it's too early in the morning to be telling me important stuff. Reece grabs my hand and pushes me back to reality.

"Come on I don't like the looks I'm getting from that old lady offer there," he starts dragging me with him, all the way back to the rooms, we got lost for a while but found the rooms in ten minutes.

He says for us to meet in the hallway in ten minutes then I walk into the room. Terah is sitting on the bed with Lee talking about... Beards?

"Nah, what if you got food caught in it, that would be gross!" Terah says.

"But it would make you look more manly," Lee says.

"But I don't want to look manly," she says.

"That's not what I meant," Lee cries, thinking he offended her.

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