Chapter 9

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"Doctor! Her heart has stopped beating!" A women yells.

"Give her a shot of adrenaline!" He yells back, "we can't let this one die she is too important!"


"Because she holds the answers to all our problems," he replies.

The nurse injects the adrenaline into her, and the girls eyes open wide as she screams.


Ah, I feel like crap! What the hell happened last night? I remember dreaming about the men in white taking me away from Nova. It was a dream but it felt so real! I open my eyes and am instantly blinded by the white lights and white sterile room. Where am I?

"Hello?" I say.

Intantly a door swings open on the other side of the room, then men and white start running into the room. I must be still dreaming! I start to lift my hand to pinch myself, but realise that it is held down by brown, leather restraints. What's going on?

A man in a black suit strolls through the middle of the men, who move out of his way.

"Welcome, child," he says in a deep voice.

"What? when? how?" I stutter.

"It's okay child you have lost all your memory, you have lived in this complex for your whole life. It was quiet worrying when you hit your head," he tells me.

What the hell is going on? Is he trying to convince me that I have lost my memory when I haven't? Well I'm going to play his little game to find out what is going on.

"Who am I?" I ask knowing who I am.

"Your name is Caitlin Knight and you are an apprentice of mine," he tells me and turns to a women in a white suit,"unstrap her, get her dressed and bring her to me."

He then turns and leaves with his entourage, shutting the door.

"Well let's get started," the women says.



I'm such an idiot! How could I be so mean! Those would be the things running through my head if I actually gave a crap. She will last one day out there and it will be her own fault. It's just something is weighing me down in my gut, I think it is called guilt and it is the reason I am following her from a distance now. What's wrong with me! If I just apologise then it won't have to stalk her like a freaking psychopath! I suddenly hear a soft, melodic voice fill the air. It was beautiful. Then I realise she is singing as she is walking. And then she trips and starts laughing at herself, gosh I love her laugh. Um what the hell am I thinking! I hate her she is stupid and ugly and uncoordinated and... What am I thinking she is none of that. She is beautiful, smart, funny and she can throw knifes like a ninja, whatever that is. I'm hopelessly falling for a chick that I'm supposed to hate and hates me.

I must have zoned out because she has disappeared. Where did she go? I walk up the road where she was the last time I saw her. Something tugs at my insides, worry, I am actually worried about her! Damn I'm an idiot. I spin around I circles trying to find her, but the sun has already started to set and it was bathing everything is pinks and reds and shadows. I turn and look at the couple of small houses that are situated on the very edge of the town, I walk into the nearest one and shut the rotting door. I guess I'm going to have to find her tomorrow because I'm done for today.

I settle down onto the rotting carpet and grab a few pieces of wood, I push them into a pile grab some kindling and shove it under the wood. I light my crappy fire and sit there watching the flames begin to devour the wood. I reach into my bag and pull out the rabbit I caught earlier in the day and dress it and shove it on the end of a metal stick. I cook it and my mouth is watering when it is finally finished. Something thumps down the other end of the house.

"Really?" I say getting up to check what it is.

Nothing is there when I check but when I get back to the fire the rabbit is gone.

"Really!?" I say again.

I was so keen for that rabbit! I turn around to search for whatever took it.

"Couldn't stay away could you?" A soft voice says from across the room.

"Princess," I ask.

"You know I really hate it when you call me that! Why are you following me?" Nova says grumpily.

"I'm not following you!" I yell lying.

"Really? Because I could see you following me for the whole day you moron! You aren't the most easily missable person, considering the fact when you try to hide behind anything I can see the top of your head," she says bored.

"That doesn't mean anything!" I say.

"Why are you following me?" She asks again.

"I'm not!"

"Why. Are. You. Following. Me?" she asks again.

I give up, "I don't know, I just didn't want to leave you out here by yourself okay! You're too young to be out here by yourself!" I yell covering up my moment of weakness.

"I'm only two years younger then you!" She yells back.

"Can I have my rabbit back now?" I say changing the subject.

She passes me back half a rabbit and keeps half for herself. She finishes eating before me and watches me with a curious face.

I give her a 'what' expression and she turns away.

"Reece?" She asks.

"What?" I mumble.

"Um... Why do you hate me?" She asks.

"I don't know," I say.

"Yeah you do," she tells me.

"Fine, you remind me of a... Friend of mine, she was taken by the white men and I didn't see her for many years, then one day I see her stumbling through the streets near my camp, I run up to her crying and I grab her. She looks right through me and I keep trying to get her attention and when she finally looks at me she screams and drops dead in my arms, I don't really hate you I hate what happened to her and because she looks like you I guess I take it out on you," I tell her, wincing slightly at the memory.

"What was her name?" She asks me.

"Caitlin Knight," I reply.

Well, finally things are kinda making sense

Anyways comment or vote if you like

Freyjaxoxo <3

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